Who loves to eat? (*raises hand eagerly*)
Who loves to think about what they eat? (*ducks head sheepishly, averts eyes so as not to be called on*)
Here's the thing, my friends...nobody likes to think about what they eat. But, therein lies our problem! Our downfall!!
We can plug away all day...fruit for breakfast, a salad for lunch, fish for supper...look back on what we ate and think, "Dang girl...not too shabby!!"...when, in all reality...we've forgotten.
We've forgotten about the half dozen chocolates we grabbed from our co-workers desk...or the cookies we nibbled on throughout the day...or the pop (sorry, I'm from MinneSOOOta, it's pop here) we chugg-a-lugged. It's too easy to just pop something in our mouths without thinking about it.
I'm going to encourage you to keep a food journal. Even if it's just for a day (although, a week or month would be even better!!). I think we'll be surprised at what we find goes into these pie holes of ours!! Do I food journal? Nope. But, I am willing to give it a shot to see if I am really being as good as I think I am, or if I forget about the bazillions of little slip-ups a day.
Here's the thing with food journaling tho'...it's totally an "in the moment" kind of thing. You've gotta do it right after a meal (or snack), because if you wait 'til the end of your day? Zappity zap...fatigue and your good buddy short-term memory will erase all the "little bits" that likely add up to "large bits" and then in turn make your bits...well...large.
Food journaling will help you take a good, hard look at your calories consumed...and make it easy for you to see where your downfalls are! Calories are an important component of maintaining a healthy weight, and while weight is not one of the foci (I hate that word, sorry I had to use it...) of this campaign, a healthy weight is part of being a "Hot and Healthy" person!
I was lookin' 'round on the net...there are literally a bazillion...okay, I'm being dramatic, there's probably only a trillion...sites for free food journaling. Check one out, find one you like, and plug it in!
Have an iPhone? I'm sure there's an app for that!! Or, heck...go out and buy yourself a notebook, keep it handy, and be honest!!
Here is just one site that talks about food journaling.
If you can, try to remember what food journal you used...at next weeks "check in", we can share whether we thought food journaling was helpful, and if so, which sites are good, easy, user friendly places to grace our presence with!! ;)
Here's to a Hot and Healthy you!!
Now, mosey on over to see what Keely's awesome fitness tip is!!
Yay!! I'll write down my fruity pebbles!! :-)
ReplyDeleteI do keep a food journal. When I started this I was absolutely shocked by how much I ate. You don't realize it until you write it down. After doing this for a few weeks you sort of get the hang of it and can let the food journaling go. However, I often find myself going back to it when I think I am eating more than I should. The site I work with is---http://caloriecount.about.com/. You can record your food intake, activities, and your weight. It all works together. It's awesome and motivating! I couldn't agree more about the food journaling!
ReplyDeleteYes there is an app for that! I use the LoseIt! App! It's awesome and calculates all the calories,etc. You can even enter in how much you want to lose a week and it'll give you a daily budget! WHEN i was using it, I was losing . . . hmmm ... good reminder! I think i'll start again this week! Thanks Mama M!
ReplyDeleteI definitely do this. I do it on Sparkpeople & Caloriecount is also very good! Thanks for the tip!