Okay, so...last night, I went to bed and I swear I was a senior in high school...and now, suddenly, I'm a thirtysomething mother of 5 and IT'S OCTOBER???? When did that happen?
It's really looking like fall in our neck of the woods. Sometimes, the beauty that surrounds me catches me off guard and takes my breath away. I need to take more fall photos. It's gorgeous here!
Our kids have their annual school marathon on Sunday...unfortunately for the Mr., he'll be out until Godknowswhen on Saturday night for his brother's bachelor party! (Remind me to tell you about the last bachelor party he was at...it's a pretty funny story! I can say that now.)
Anywho...welcome to Five Question Friday!! The funnest blog hop around! Join in...you'll love it (and, shhhh...it's super easy too!!)!
Rules for Five Question Friday: Have fun!! That's most important...but, you'll need to copy and paste the following questions to your blog, answer them, then watch for the linky to appear Friday morning!
Questions for Friday, OCTOBER???? 1st: (Special thanks to Amanda, Colleen [no blog],Sandy, Bethany, and [inspiration from] Kelly for their question suggestions!! If YOU want to be linked in a future 5QF, c'mon over to my community and offer up your best question suggestions! And, we could really use some new ones, btw.) ;)
1. Did you have a pen pal when you were little (or now)? Where were/are they from?
2. If you could do a different job for one day, what would it be?
3. Do you remember your biggest fear from when you were little?
4. What do you think is a waste of time? Why?
5. What is the oldest item you have in your closet?
1. Did you have a pen pal when you were little (or now)? Where were/are they from?
Nope. Never did. At least, not that I can remember...as I'm sitting here typing, something deep in the recesses of my brain is trying to fire...trying to spark a memory.
But I can't retrieve it. Only just that little spark of a memory that maybe, just maybe I actually did have a pen pal when I was little.
Wait, though...can I consider all of YOU my pen pals? We write back and forth, right?
'Cuz, if you'll let me consider you a pen pal, then my brain can stop working so hard on dredging up that old (possibly not real) memory. Please?
Pretty please can I consider you my penpal?
I'll be your best friend?!
2. If you could do a different job for one day, what would it be?
Hmmmmm...this is a deep thinker.
I'm gonna totally go out a limb and say, I'd like to work at Disney World...a good Disney job (not, like, taking out the trash)...like being Cinderella (or, that weird leaf lady at Animal Kingdom that contorts her body...). That would be fun!
I wonder how the pay is?
I'm pretty sure I could handle smiling and waving all day long.
Or, WAIT! You know what else would be fun? Just for one day?
To be a fashion model! To be super skinny and dressed to the nines...just for one day, though, 'cuz, I'm pretty sure I'd feel a deep need for a cheeseburger, and I'd probably get fired for eating it. Then, after I was fired, I'd also order some french fries, a shake, and donut.
"If you give a supermodel a cheeseburger, chances are she'll want a..." ;)
3. Do you remember your biggest fear from when you were little?
Well...I can't remember a specific fear...but, I was around the same age (and geographic region) as Jacob Wetterling was when he was abducted...and I remember a fear of being abducted.
I swear, and you might laugh, but I swear that event changed how people parent. Gone were the days of staying out until dark. Gone were the endless hours of biking with friends, checking in only for supper and bedtime. Gone was the innocense of a generation that still wonders what happened to that boy.
Such a mystery. A tragic, horrible mystery.
4. What do you think is a waste of time? Why?
Well, not that I want to gross anyone out...but, I think pooping is a waste of time.
And, because I want to give it equal face (wait, that'd actually be "equal butt time", wouldn't it?) time...peeing too.
Just having to sit there, and do...nothing. It's so boring. So...unproductive.
I could do a bazillion different things with that time that I'm on the pot. Cooking, cleaning, tackling the ever growing mountain of laundry...the possibilities are endless!!
Sigh...if only we didn't hafta poop.
5. What is the oldest item you have in your closet?
Once upon a time, I was an 18 year old, single, pregnant, college-age, barely-woman...I wore stretchy pants and large sweatshirts...on of which I bought at college. A bright red, white letter embroidered, "College of St. Benedict" sweatshirt.
I lived in that sucker. I think it's like a quadruple XL, so huge, that I think my entire family could fit into it (like that mitten story...) if we tried.
I still own it. It's ratty, and holey, and almost falling apart...but I can't bear to part with it. It's like...like...like it got me through some rough times, so the least I can do is give it the courtesy of not sending it to the landfill.
You know?
Is that weird?
Thanks for playing!! I hoped you enjoyed yourself!
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I'll be your pen pal. :)
ReplyDeleteAnd I had a similar fear in my childhood as you did! Though I don't remember the case you referenced.
lol you crack me up! this year has gone by sooo fast! I don't even know where September went at all either
ReplyDeleteI multitask while peeing. I can reach over and refill the cat's waterbowl, pet him, feel uncomfortable while the dog stares at me... You know the usual! :)
ReplyDeleteIm your newest follower. hope you can stop by sometime!Happy Mothering!
ReplyDeleteI have lived in MN my whole life and remember the Jacob Wetterling case and how scary it was. I was the exact same age as he was. I remember thinking, they will find him in a couple days. That was 21 years ago.
ReplyDeleteI think the worst thing for our generation is that we can REMEMBER what it was like to be free as kids to bike with our friends and run around the neighborhood after dark and not have to worry about anything. I so wish my kids could grow up in the times that I did.
ReplyDeleteYou can totally call me a pen pal, lady. ;-)
Hahahahaha! I literally laughed out loud at your waste of time response. Toooooo funny!
ReplyDeleteSo true though.....
Mama M. I have a weird realization. I dunno if you get this always but do you think your hubby looks like Jeffrey Dean??? for me there's a big resemblance. Or is it just me???
ReplyDeletesome pictures I have seen.
that's crazy, i didn't even read your answers until after i wrote up mine and we had the same childhood fear.
ReplyDeleteROFL @ your "Poop" answer!! :D
ReplyDeleteSeeing as I come from "across the pond", I'd like to nominate myself as your Pen Pal!! :)
Have a great weekend!
From Bonnie Scotland! ;)
I get such a kick out of you! I love your sense of humor!
ReplyDeleteThe Pee and Poo answer is so silly...but we do spend a lot of time in the bathroom don't we?!!! Ha!
I agree, we bloggers are like pen pals! I love blogging. (The waste of time question made me ask myself if blogging was a big waste of time...but for me I would have to say that the benefits make up for the time I waste here!)
Have a great weekend!
Linda @ Truthful Tidbits
I love 5 question fridays so I HAD to hop on this one as well. I have 4 boys...and one love 1 more (well, maybe 2 more)- so I am really jealous that you have 5! I am also a follower of Christ.
ReplyDeleteI am now following you- I hope you follow back.
Love your blog, I'm going to post my 5QF a little later - great questions!! I've got an award for you on my blog as I think your's is really awesome!!
ReplyDeleteFive kids....five questions...love it....as a mom of five, I truly get you...but mine are grown (yes they do grow up) but now they are back with their kids....all six of them...all boys....not complaining just sharing...have a great weekend.
ReplyDeleteMay I disagree only for this time?
ReplyDeletePooping is soo "productive", haha!
I awoke this morning with my mind set on chicken noodle soup, Mama M. My mom and I were serving lunch to a bunch of women on Cursillo (kind of like a Catholic retreat weekend). It wasn't until I was sauteeing the onions and celery and carrots that I stopped to realize TODAY IS FRIDAY! You talk about life slipping away...I don't know where my entire week went! I didn't have time to post 5QF ('cause I was exhausted last night and went to bed early around 11:30 p.m.) and I'm almost in tears about it. I'm now off to sell concessions for the Band Booster club at my son's school. Maybe tonight if I'm not way too bushed (and I've had a chance to scrape all of the nacho cheese from beneath my fingernails and get the sticky soda off the soles of my shoes) I will do my post. Just in case I don't, here's one of my answers...I think worry is waste of time. Doesn't really help you accomplish much and causes physical symptoms, too.
ReplyDeleteHaha, my answer to number 4 is exactly the same as yours!!! It is SUCH a waste of time!
I can be your penpal too. :) What a long life your got being a mother when you were single and pregnant when you were 18. That clothing is your sentimental value and I admire that you are still keeping it.
ReplyDeleteI am new to your Meme and I just found out today by one of my friends. So I posted one day late. So I hope we can be friends. Please do join one giveaway that I'm hosting that will end up in 6 days.
XO, Mel Cole
And oh, I'm following you today too and grabbed your badge to my Friends badges. :)
ReplyDeletePooping is not a waste of time!! There are lots of things you could be doing in there.
File your nails
Come up with new blog ideas
Phone a friend (preferably not me while you're pooping, thanks)
See? You could use this precious time for many things ;-)