Welcome to Week 2 of the Holiday Gift Guide!
Just a quick update...I have decided to leave all of the linky's open until the very end, so that anyone joining in late can add to the appropriate theme if they'd like to!
As you read this, I will be shopping at the Mall of America with my mama, in search of the "perfect" gifts for my family and friends! I already have the Children's Books all written out...and my mom is excited to have some great ideas on books too!
This week, our Gift Guide theme is: "Gifts for the Mature Man in Your Life"...you know, husbands, dads, grandpas. The men who have it all and are soooooo hard to buy for!
Now, the gift I am going to share is an "idea"...I have seen it in person, though, and it looks like awesome fun, especially (but not exclusively) if you have a golfer in your life!
Lawn games are the bee's knees around here..."Polish Horseshoes", "Bean Bags", "Horse Shoes"...you name it...but this game? Pure, unique awesomeness...

(image via Big Birdie Golf)
"Big Birdie Golf" looks like an amazingly fun game that everyone can play, even if you aren't a golfer!
Also, one tried and true gift that my own dad LOVES is slippers. You know, like these kind of slippers:

(image via Ugg)
The kind that can take a guy from lounging in the house, to taking out the garbage, to going to the store to buy flowers and chocolate for the woman in his life! Those kind of slippers!
Okay...now, what do YOU think is a great gift for a grown up guy in your life?
(PS...what would you all think of a "Gift Guide Twitter Party"? Overkill? Sounds like fun? Thanks, but no thanks? Lemme know!)
Random electronic gadgets are winners too. My husband's favorite purchase so far this season is a remote on/off switch for the Christmas tree. He'll go out to the kitchen for a drink, tag the off button on the way by, and wait for our daughter to come running over to him going "OH NO!" before turning it back on. ;)