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Five Question Friday!! 7/9/10

Yippee!!! It's Friday!

How is it, that this was a short week...yet it seemed so long?!! May wonders never cease.

So...I vlogged. And, I'm warning's not cute...and it's much longer than I intended...and I have bad hair (that's for you, Kate)...and I'm tired...and not on my game. Also, I messed up...I think I cheated on the New Kids with Debbie Gibson.

"Lost in Your Eyes"...if that doesn't take you back to a middle school dance, I'm not sure what does. So, yes...NKOTB...I cheated on you with Debbie Gibson...please forgive my tweenage self. Whatever happened to Debbie Gibson, by the way? It's like she fell off the face of the earth.

Debbie? DEBBIE!!! Are you out there? Is everything okay? (PS-I loved your black eyeliner and shoulder pads in the video!! Rock on, girl.)

Okay, my shout out to Debbie is done, time to move onto Five Question Friday!! Here are this week's questions, if you didn't catch them last night:

Rules for Five Question Friday: Copy the following questions to your blog post, answer them, then c'mon back for the linky (tomorrow)! Remember...if you don't have a blog but would like to play along, feel free to leave your answers in the comment of this blog post, or any post along the way!

Questions for Friday, July 9th: (Thanks to Megan, Sara, Emily, Nicole, and [inspiration from]Sarah for their question suggestions! If YOU would like to be linked in a future 5QF, just c'mon over here, to my community, and offer up your best question suggestions!)

1. What is one food you could eat everyday?

2. Are you working in the career you thought you would be when you were 18?

3. What is something that you wish you would have done when you were younger and you didn't?

4. What color are your kitchen walls?

5. Do you remember what your very first favorite song was?

---------------------------------------'s my vlog: (feel free to skip right over this part...)

Last, but not least...the linky!!

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  1. My song was Red Hot by Debbie Gibson - we must be kindred spirits! :)

  2. Lost In Your Eyes?? How could I forget? I had that casette tape and probably wore it right out. I was only ten. Good stuff. Also had NKOTB poster in my room. I'm sure I tried to french kiss it.

  3. My answers are at

    I like these... they're fun!

  4. Love the Bandana!

    As always thanks for hosting!

  5. Oh my gosh you are so cute!!! I loved your vlog! I hope you do this more often!!

    I think Debbie Gibson became Deborah Gibson and she tried to get serious. I loved Electric Youth! LOL! I think I still love that song. And NKOTB. Too awesome!

    Thanks for more great questions this Friday!!

  6. Debbie Gibson ruled in middle school. I spent many night working at Showbiz dancing across the stage to "Shake Your Love" dress like Billy Bob.

  7. I think Shake Your Love was the only Debbie Gibson song I really liked. She was okay but, I was such a Madonna and Cher lover in the 80s that all the other gals just didn't have a chance!

    Aaaarrrrgghhhh! I love your bandana, matey! (See what I did?! I was a pirate!)


  9. We have chocolate covered potato chips in Canada-mainly in PEI-The are delicious!!!

  10. We have chocolate covered potato chips in Canada. Mainly in PEI-They are DELICIOUS!!!

  11. Yumm, chocolate how could I have forgotten that?

  12. Hi Mama M!

    I don't care what you say, I LOVED your vlog!! :)

    One of these days I'll get round to vlogging myself, but I'll have to subtitle it because of my Glasgow accent! LOL

    Meantime, my answers are in the traditional typed prose over at :)

    Have a great weekend!


  13. *giggles* Debbie, those were the days! xD Great vlogging this week, pretty mama! =)

  14. You look like a gang member.

    Yet still lovely.

    I love it when you vlog. I LOVE IT ALMOST AS MUCH AS WALMART!

  15. Thanks for making a comment and welcoming me, I really appreciate it!

    I actually like them fresh, OR canned... even frozen. :) Peach tea (Olive Garden) Peach Jello, Peach etc. etc. etc.! :)

  16. I think I could eat chocolate covered French fries every day...mmmmm.

  17. 1. I could definitely eat chocolat every day.
    2. No, I wanted to be a teacher when I was 18...I did teach but was not happy. I work full time at a local college in an administrative position.
    3. I wish I had traveled more.
    4. My kitchen walls are gold.
    5. Anything the Monkees sang - Last Train to Clarksville...

  18. Believe it or not, I have out-chocolated myself. I'm done with chocolate. However, that home made fruit dip- you know, that one with marshmello creme and cream cheese...yep, could eat that all day every day.

    Oh, you need someone to strip wallpaper? Love to do it. Really. pay for travel and willing to put a not-crazy-but-slightly-quirky blog reader up, I'd do it for you. :)

  19. I seriously LOVE your vlogs. Each time I watch, I feel like I know you a little better. Thanks for posting! Hopefully I'll have time to link up later this afternoon;)


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