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Five Question Friday!! 8/13/10

EEEEEEKKKKKKK!!! I just realized it was Friday the 13th. Watch your backs friends...Freddie's out there.

Welcome to 5QF! I was feelin' the vlog tonight, so I did this vloggy style! Lucky you! I apologize in advance for my inability to look the little green dot (aka: my webcam) in the eye. Excuse my wandering eyes...

Here's the deets, my peeps!

Rules for Five Question Friday: Copy and paste the following questions to your blog post, answer them, then c'mon back (on Friday) and link up! If you don't have a blog, or already wrote a post, then feel free to leave your answers in the comments!

Questions for Friday, August 13th: (Special thanks to Pam, Deanna, Julianne, Jill, and Renefor their question suggestions! If YOU would like to be linked in a future 5QF, c'mon over to my community and offer up your best question suggestions!)

1. Have you ever visited another country?

2. Where is the strangest place you have ever been?

3. What is your favorite season?

4. What one song will always cheer you up?

5. What Disney character do you resemble most?



  1. Happy Friday! Love Shack! I think I needed that this morning. Great choice!

    Have a great weekend!

  2. Loved the vlog this am :) Sorry you are suffering from a little bit of vacation-lag but hopefully you will get back into the swing of things soon! Hope you have a great weekend.. even though you are working :( boo!

    Talk to you later girlie

  3. I was just singing the love shack the other day! My car radio is missing(long story) so the kids and I were making our own music and this song popped into my head...I haven't heard this song in years! The kids thought I was nuts...imagine us driving in a cute VW purple convertible belting out Love Shack, Baby Hands Up, and the theme to Speed Racer.
    Thanks for hosting! Have a great weekend!

  4. Is it just me or is there no MckLinky?

  5. New to your blog & I LOVE it! Definitely linked up to participate in the 5QF today :) Hope you're having a fabulous Friday the 13th!

  6. I vlogged my answers this week too! :o)

  7. Thanks for hosting. I'm a new follower. It's still Friday for a hour so I thought I would join in.


  8. You cranky....I just can't see it!
    Love Shack oh you have got to be kidding me. Hubby loves that song, I can't stand it.
    I want to check out that Cosmo place, but the chances of me actually getting there are slim to none. Looks awesome though!

  9. I SO enjoy the Vlogs! I will be a bit behind again because I am taking some blog time off, but I may just have to kick it Vlog style next time as well.

    As always, thank you for your inspiration!

  10. cute vlog at the love shack ...Cruella deville and ursella ....whatever are awesome also so you have like 100 and something link ups and 9 comments how rude...really =)

  11. Dang! This is a little late, but I missed the week you used one of my questions :( Thanks for choosing it. Surgery put me out of commission for a few weeks so hopefully I'll get to 5QF this week. LOVED your vlog. Love Shack is one of my favs, too. Thanks for always hosting 5QF even when you're sleep deprived. :)


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