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Five Question Friday!! 2/24/12

Look at the date...if you take 24 and divide it by 2? Yup...12. I think I need to buy a lottery ticket again today, or something.

My bathroom is torn apart...sheetrock torn off, tubless,'s crazy that we're actually doing this! Can't wait until it's all done...until then? Blech. Dust, stink, dust, mess, and more dust. Have I mentioned there's a lot of dust?

Well...let's get down to business!

Welcome to Five Question Friday!! You've come to the right place if you want a fun, easy post or if you've suddenly discovered your muses are hunkering down for a snow storm that should've come 2 months ago. Fer dumb.

Rules for 5QF: Copy and paste the following questions to your blog post, answer them, then watch for the linky post to appear Friday morning and LINK UP!

Oh, and remember (pay close attention...this is the important one)...HAVE FUN!

Questions for Friday, February 24th (It's my big boy's birthday!!): (Special thanks to Mama Phan (@MamaPhan) from Boy (n.): A Noise with Dirt on It,
Sandy (@PardonMyDust) from Pardon my Dust,Amy (@amy_mcmommy) from Mac or Cheesy, Stephanie (@StephanieLex) (Stephanie, do you have a blog?!), and Pam (@trooppetrie) from Troop Petrie for their question suggestions! I would love to link you in a future 5QF, so come on over to mycommunity or watch for my Thursday afternoon shout out for questions on Twitter and offer up your best question suggestions! Remember to@5crookedhalos me and use hashtag #5QF if you go the Twitter route!)

1. What's your favorite way to spend down time (alone or with a significant other)?

2. Are you the kind of person that wants things more as soon as you know you can't have it?

3. If you were given $1000 to spend on yourself, what would you buy?

4. Do you ever go out to eat by yourself?

5. What company would you want to do a blog review for?


1. What's your favorite way to spend down time (alone or with a significant other)?

First off, I'm not really sure what this "down time" thing is? I ain't got none, sistah.

See, with 5 busy kids, a part time job, a home, bills, big families, and a little girl who has a really crappy bedtime routine? down time here.

After this remodel project is over, I am resolved to resolve these crappy habits. It's gonna be a bath, book, brush, pray, goodnight kind of routine. Only, we kind of need a bathtub. A nice warm bath seems like it would be the perfect way to wind down a busy 4 year old and get her into a routine.

I dunno...we've never had to deal with this before. So, cross your fingers for us.

However...every so often, we do have some downtime, if I'm alone, I like to cruise the Internet, read blogs, Twitter, etc. With the hubs? Talk, watch a movie, snuggle...but honestly, the only time we have must down time together, is when we create it.

Date night. Dinner. We haven't been out to a movie in so long, because we realized, we can't really catch up with each other in a movie theater.

Our date nights often consist of dinner out and a stop at Barnes and Noble.

We need a date night.

2. Are you the kind of person that wants things more as soon as you know you can't have it?

Um. Yes. Hello, pop. I gave you up for Lent and I WANT YOU NOW!!!!

I debated on pop or candy (I'm doing the "give something up and do something good" thing this year...only I can't tell you what the "do something good is"...don't want any outside pressure...) and with a little help from my family, decided pop would be harder for me, so pop it was. (To be honest, it was a close race...I actually thought I had given up candy until this evening when I remembered that I hadn't! Blond...remember?)

And...iPad? I want...I can't have just yet...almost there, and by the time I'll have enough saved up, the iPad 3 will be out and PERFECTO! The joys of working toward a goal.

Or something. 'Cuz gosh, how I would've loved to have had that iPad in my grimy little hands already.

3. If you were given $1000 to spend on yourself, what would you buy?

Um. Didja read #2?


Then, some cute boots. I need some cute, brown, knee high boots to wear with jeans...only I can't find exactly what I want. Fer dumb.

4. Do you ever go out to eat by yourself?

UGH. I HATE eating out by myself. HATE it. Now that there are smartphones, I don't mind it so terribly much, but I still don't prefer it.

I'd much rather eat in my car than have people looking at me in pity because surely I'm so unlikable that no one can bear to even eat with me. ;)

If you make me, I will...but it's certainly not something I choose to do!

5. What company would you want to do a blog review for?

Okay...questions #2 and #3? Didja read 'em?

Turns out that there's this fabulous company called "Apple" that makes these incredible electronic devices that are so wonderful people think they "need" them. I would love nothing more than to, you know, really put myself out there for them and offer to test their products for them.

A hardship, I know, working with such awesome stuff...but hey, someone's gotta do it, right?

Yeah, I'd totally take one for the team and review their stuff. If they begged. (And by begging I mean, "Hi Mama, this is Tim Cook, CEO of App-" "HI TIM!! YES. I'LL DO IT!!" I know, I drive a hard bargain.)


Wishing you all a wonderful weekend!

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  1. I don't like to eat in restaurant by myself either. That and going to the movies alone just doesn't feel right.

  2. oh man testing a IPAD would be awesome for me too

  3. I so understand about living in a construction zone!

  4. Apple was one of my picks, too! :)

  5. Ohhhh, didn't even think about reviewing for apple! I have one thing on my mind....

  6. If that Apple review is too overwhelming, feel free to send them my way. ;)

  7. My only concern about eating out alone is getting hit on. It's hard being this hawt.

  8. You've got my sympathy on the construction zone in your house. We just remodeled the tv room upstairs. The project I was told would take 2 weeks (as if I believed that) took 4 weeks. The dust got everywhere!! The good news is, the room looks so much better, and my husband has his dream "man-cave". I'm sure your bathroom will be fabulous once the dust settles. Sorry, couldn't help myself! ;)

  9. I filled out my answers before reading anyone elses, now I'm all self concious that people have thought "I'm so unlikable that no one can bear to even eat with me" because I admit to eating alone when I travel for work. People like me, really, LOL! An Ipad would be awesome! Have a great weekend!

  10. I know what you mean about down time and remodeling. I’m reorganizing and I have trouble taking a break because I feel guilty!

    I think you’ve done a great job of promoting the iPad! Send apple a link! :D

    I’m joining in for the first time this week. It’s a fun meme!!


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