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Five Question Friday!! 2/3/12

And, the birthday celebrations continue! Heading to my grandparent's tonight for some of Gram's Vegetable Beef Soup...sweet mercy is that some amazing stuff.

Then, Baby Girl's big party is on Saturday. Next weekend is the my and the Mr.'s 11th wedding anniversary, then my birthday party. The following weekend is The Pal's big 16th birthday and birthday party and my grandma's 80th birthday...not entirely sure what's after that, but I feel like there's something!

Okay...let's get this party started!!

Well...anyway...Welcome to Five Question Friday!! You've come to the right place if you want a fun, easy post or if you've suddenly discovered your muses are celebrating their birthdays and refusing to do anything other than eat cake in their pajamas.

Rules for 5QF: Copy and paste the following questions to your blog post, answer them, then watch for the linky post to appear Friday morning and LINK UP!

Oh, and remember (pay close attention...this is the important one)...HAVE FUN!

Questions for Friday, February 3rd: (Special thanks to
Kate (@KatieB38) from Kate's Life, Gasfamily (@gasfamily) from The Gas Family, Scott (@ThisDaddys_Blog) from This Daddy, Stephanie (@Stephanielex) and Erin (@emenchho1) from The Life and Times of E1 for their question suggestions! I would love to link you in a future 5QF, so come on over to my community or watch for my Thursday afternoon shout out for questions on Twitter and offer up your best question suggestions! Remember to @5crookedhalos me and use hashtag #5QF if you go the Twitter route!)

1. What have you done recently that you are proud of?

2. What is your favorite way to work out? Or if you don't workout, what are you wanting to try?

3. If you knew you best friend was cheating on spouse would you tell?

4. If you could afford a live-in maid or nanny, would you have one?

5. Do you stress out about birthdays (specifically the age) or do you enjoy them?

And, a bonus question from Scott, that I wasn't brave enough to put in as a regular question...answer at your own risk, or not at all! (Or something...)

Bonus: Lights off or on?


1. What have you done recently that you are proud of?

Well...I have been making a much more concerted effort to be a better wife. Messes don't bother me too much, but they make my husband so stressed out I'm afraid he's going to stroke out one of these days, so...I've been trying.

I've been not walking past dirty dishes. I've been putting clothes away (or, okay, if you want the "real" truth, by "away" I mean in their respective bedrooms...), I've been picking up little messes here and there.

So far, my "improvement" has only been in the kitchen and livingroom areas, no improvement in the bedroom yet. Er. What? I mean...ohmigosh, I can't believe I just said that.

WHAT I MEAN IS...our bedroom is still messy. I did tell my husband that the only thing I wanted for my birthday (other than an iPad) was for him to clean our room and than I would then, in turn, keep it clean for him for HIS birthday (March 21st).

I'm not sure he agreed. Judging by the condition of our room, I'd say that he said a big, fat NO to that one. iPad AND no clean room? Party pooper.

2. What is your favorite way to work out? Or if you don't workout, what are you wanting to try?

Oh my dear, sweet friends. My "favorite" way to work out? Is to sit on the couch and read (iPad would come in handy here...) or tweet or snuggle with one of my kiddos (or my husband, but he tends to take up too much couch space...).

However...right before Mexico, I started doing "Just Sweat", which is a workout option on Just Dance 3 and I LOVED IT. It was fun, it was good work, I felt like I saw some improvements...but then, I fell out of the groove and haven't even tried to get it going again.

Bad mama, I know. Based on the fact that I felt (somewhat) okay with wearing a bikini in public in Mexico, I'd say I should get that Dance party started again and have a bikini bod for summer, no?!

Well see.

3. If you knew you best friend was cheating on spouse would you tell?

Honestly? Probably not. That's horrible, I know, and I would definitely have a talk with my friend, but I can't see myself telling.

Sometimes, when I think about confrontation, I often ask myself, "What good will come of this?" "What are my intentions with bringing this up?" and if the answer isn't positive or, more conversely, if the answer ONLY serves to hurt or "get someone in trouble", then I keep my mouth shut.

Right? I don't know, but that's my story and I'm stickin' to it!

4. If you could afford a live-in maid or nanny, would you have one?

Live-in? No...unless, of course, I lived in a castle and there were servants quarters, then yes. Of course, please, and thank you, when can he/she/they start?

Otherwise, no dice. I prefer my family time way too much to have some "stranger" invading our time together...even if it means I have to pick up after myself and tend to mountains of unending laundry and cook and dust and so on and so forth.

"Live-out" however? (Maidwise, again, no nanny...) Bring it. If I could afford someone to come and clean my house and do my laundry? WHERE DO I SIGN?

Sounds like a little bit of heaven on husband would disagree because then our kids don't learn any work ethic, but MAMA WANTS.

The end.

5. Do you stress out about birthdays (specifically the age) or do you enjoy them?

No. Never. I'll definitely admit that after 21, birthdays really aren't that "great" anymore, but age? Meh. Can't stop it...or, I guess you can, but I'd prefer to have the years keep rolling in until I'm good and ready and old, old, old.

I will say, however, that 35 really DOES sound old. I mean, gracious, it's halfway to 70. When I was halfway to the age I'm at now I was a senior in high school, and that really doesn't feel that long ago!

And, wow. 40 is in 5 years. FORTY. Gulp.

And, a bonus question from Scott, that I wasn't brave enough to put in as a regular question...answer at your own risk, or not at all! (Or something...)

Bonus: Lights off or on?

Um...Mom? Dad? Gram? Gramp? Close your eyes.

On. Well, not "on" on...just a nice, soft, bedside table lamp light "on". Ahem. *blushing*

Soooo, anyway. How 'bout them Vikes?


I hope you have a wonderful weekend! Thank you for the birthday wishes yesterday!


  1. I love 5 Question Friday! It's been awhile since I've checked out your blog, but I'm hoping to read it more regularly. Everyone tells me to try "Just Dance 3", maybe I will!!

  2. You are only 4 months younger than I am, M. 35 is a very good age! :)

  3. Since I've seen you mention Joe Mauer, and now the Vikes, I'm assuming you're in MN ;-) I'm just south of Minneapolis myself. Love the blog, and I'm trying to figure out how to link up my answers!

  4. I always love your answers!
    Thanks for hosting :)

  5. That soup sounds wonderful. In honor of Homemade Soup Day today I am planning my own veggie soup. I may have to add some beef. Have a great weekend!

  6. Answer to #1 for me? Kissed 30 pounds goodbye! :)

    ps. I'd rather clean a toilet than wash dishes!

  7. I didn't get to do my 5QF this week and I had good intentions to do so. I liked your question #3. I wonder how many would say yes. Without my own doing this happened. I don't recommend it. My former friend was told her husband was cheating on her and it didn't go well. Hence the title, former friend. I knew, wasn't going to tell, but I was dragged into the mess. It's sad, I'm okay with how it has all turned out, but sad for that friend who still believes her husband was not wrong.


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