Y'all know I've mentioned it a few times...the epic meltdown in Mexico at the most inopportune time? Yeah, that one?
Let me tell you how it went down.
We left our children in the very trustworthy and capable hands of the Mr.'s brother and his wife (J. and K.) on Thursday evening and headed to a hotel nearer the airport for our morning departure. Before we left, we chatted a bit with J and K, got the kids settled, laughed about how their youngest had thrown up at daycare that day and joked that they were going to have the stomach flu run through ALL TEN kids that were there, and WON'T THAT BE FUN?!
We had no sooner left, than I started regretting our decision to leave the night before. While we were planning, it sounded like a fabulous idea, when we actually left our "needing one more hug and kiss" kids and a very quiet and stoic Baby, our plan sounded selfish and unnecessary and "maybe we just should've gotten up in the middle of the night and made the trek to the airport instead" thoughts entered my mind.
I was teary, with Baby Girl's very serious face flashing through my mind.
The next morning, we flew out to sunny Mexico (without a hitch, I might add...unlike our return flight), excited, but still seeing that sad little face in my mind.
Saturday we Skyped with the kids, as we had planned, and my heart broke just a little as I saw my Baby get excited to see us, then sad because she missed us (her awesome aunt K scooped her right up and snuggled her and loved her up). Sunday we received a text that asked if we could Skype again, because the girls were a bit lonesome for us.
Not a thing seemed amiss when we Skyped, chaos and many, MANY decibels reigned, as is standard when these cousins get together. My heart ached to snuggle my babies close again, but I knew they were getting awesome care, so I swiped a tear or two away and went out and ordered a(nother) Mojito to boost my spirits. ;)
Monday was the day of the "hand off" from J and K to D our friend/daycare lady. Little did I know, but the previous 36 hours had proved to be filled with much vomit and very little "hitting the toilet" for J and K's household. WOW. They did an awesome job of keeping that from us!
I had sent D a quick text during the wedding meal, asking how the kids were...apparently unaware that I was unaware of the kids' illness, I received a text back, "Baby Girl is still dry heaving, but the other kids are doing well!!" And my world came to a screeching halt.
DRY HEAVING?!?!?! OTHER KIDS ARE OKAY?! Oh my word what on earth is going on and MY BABIES!!!! MY POOR, SICK, HOMESICK, BABIES?!!! All while their mother parties in Mexico.
Sucker punch to my already "fragile" gut.
I showed my hubby the text, he looked at me with a frown, and I quickly excused myself to make a phone call home to see what the heck was going on. I was filled in on the happenings of the previous day and a half, began to get rather emotional knowing I wasn't there to care for my kiddos when they needed me (however, fully knowing that they were in MORE than capable hands...it's just...you know, they weren't with their mom), and then...
Oh, and then...I talked to Belle. Who began to cry in earnest, saying "Mom, I miss you!" Annnnnd, cue the beginning of my Big, Fat, Mexican Meltdown. The tears, MY tears, came pouring out. I was reassuring my girl and telling her I missed her and that there were only two nights (TWO NIGHTS?!! Oh Dear God, how was I going to survive TWO MORE NIGHTS?!) and then we would be home.
I told my girl I loved her, wiped the tears from my face (along with all of my makeup), gave myself a pep talk, pulled myself back together and went to rejoin the party. I had only just sat down when my husband leans over and says, "Everything okay?" and then, that hot, stinging, nose burning, throat tightening "tears are coming" feeling washed over me.
One by one, big, fat, not at all pretty or Demi Moore-like, tears began rolling down my face...faster than I could swipe them away. Trying to duck my head, attempting to be inconspicuous, aiming to NOT draw any attention to myself, I relayed (as best I could through dashing away tears, wiping away snot, and really trying hard to not be noticed) what had just happened in the previous days.
Then, my mom was at my side...hugging me, reassuring me, asking me what was going on, reminding me that by the time we get home everyone will be healthy. Next, my dad came over...and repeat. Then my bestie (who had been playing a drinking game during dinner) came over...repeat again. Everytime someone came to reassure me, the tears just started all over again.
The only thing I wanted at that moment, was to be with my babies. Holding puke buckets, wiping barfy faces, giving de-vomitous baths. (Weird, I know...remember, I'm a nurse.)
Finally, one of the bridesmaids stood up, put her hands on the table, looked me in the eyes and said something like, "Look. It sucks. But here's the thing...THERE'S NOTHING YOU CAN DO ABOUT IT. Now, what can I get you to drink?" And, soon I had a Mojito in my hand and mint leaves in my teeth.
The next morning brought with it our last day in Mexico...and we enjoyed it to the fullest. Spent the entire day on the beach, drinking Mojitos (well, the Mr. had Margaritas...we all know how much he enjoys those <-----if you haven't read that post, do so. It's long, but it's fun!), soaking in the sun...and counting down the hours until we would once again have our babies in our arms.

Wait...maybe that was just me that was counting down. ;)
I can't imagine how that must have felt to be so far away from your sick kiddos! It seems like you all survived and were so happy to be back together again! THere was some fun and some mojitos, too.
ReplyDelete:( So hard to be away from your babies when they're sick, but I'm glad they were in good and capable hands.
ReplyDeleteYou have an awsome SIL... cleaning up "stuff" and keeping it from you, too. I take one of her please!
ReplyDeleteGlad everyone survived and you enjoyed your last day.
Kids barfing scares me (anyone barfing scares me, really), but I guess I'd trade one barfing episode for a few days in Mexico!
ReplyDeleteThe one thing that stood out was the fact that you knew two very loving people were there for your kids. What a nice position to be in. How sweet that they were trying to keep the "sick stories" to themselves.
ReplyDeleteYou're so sweet. Because my husband & I would've been laughing & thanking God we weren't the ones having to deal with the sickies. lol. I want to know what souvenirs you brought back for the "babysitters!" :)