Lemme just tell you how wonderful it is to be home and getting back into the swing of things! Including Five Question Friday! I've gotta say that today was a pretty low key, non-productive day...I'll make up for it tomorrow. Or maybe the next day. Or for sure by Sunday. Or, possibly, Monday. ;) Once again...thank you to all of you who prayed for, thought about, left comments, and cheered on our Belle. She's feeling so much better and we're working on weaning her pain meds down. (Which is going pretty well!) Okay, onto the Sneak Peek! Remember that this post is just the preview of the questions...it is NOT the linky post (the post in which you link up...)! Rules for Five Question Friday: Copy and paste the following questions to your blog, answer them, then watch for the linky post to appear Friday morning and LINK UP! Remember, the most important rule of all is to HAVE FUN! Questions for Friday, April 1st: (Special thanks to @joleneslavik , @PardonMyDust , @Katieb38 ,...