Awww, isn't she a love?! This is our Tiny Girl, she may be little but this girl carries her weight in attitude! Just look at that impish look on her face, she's just conspiring on how she can throw her 20 pounds around and make everyone jump through hoops for her.
Here's the story about our Tiny Girl: she is number 5 of 5--a BIG (as in shock factor, not size) surprise...we were content with our four children, life was moving on, kids getting bigger and more independent when I realized I was a little late, ahem.
Hmmm...well, that's not exactly where I was headed when I started this post, but anywho...Tiny Girl has a fabulous older sister to teach her the in's and out's of "Divahood" (kinda like sisterhood, but rocked up a bit)! Just the other morning I captured this:
Hee, hee!! I love, love, love the eating with the pinky up...Fancy Nancy style (and if you haven't discovered Fancy Nancy, rush out, right now and buy these books for your own little diva...they are fabulous, darling!)! Simply, extravagant (that's a fancy word for, well, fancy!). Oooh, I could just eat this Tiny Girl up!!

And she's dang good at it too! Mr. Wonderful is wrapped around that tiny finger about 30 times, and he always puts his foot down with her loves every bit of it!
Took a pregnancy test to reassure myself that I was not indeed pregnant (again!!) when, yikes! There was a plus sign on that pregnancy test! Egads!!
I mean, how, did this happen (well, okay I knew how)...cue tears, "oh, my gosh again", pregnancy test throwing, yes, throwing (as in at Mr. Wonderful, certainly not one of my finer moments) and yup, it was true (at least according to the five pregnancy tests I took), we were havin' a baby!
I prayed a lot during those early weeks (oh gosh, I'm tearing up...) and came to accept that it is not I who plans my life. No indeed it is not. God had this wonderful little creature already planned for us and He knew all along what a blessing she would be!
I still feel guilty about how I felt in those first weeks months of pregnancy, and I am constantly overcome with joy, gratitude and thanks that God chose to bless us with this Tiny Girl! I have since encouraged fellow "taken by surprise" women that they will be amazed with the baby they are bringing into this world...never again will I doubt the "unplanned" pregnancy, after all, every baby has a plan, just, perhaps, not planned by us!
Hmmm...well, that's not exactly where I was headed when I started this post, but anywho...Tiny Girl has a fabulous older sister to teach her the in's and out's of "Divahood" (kinda like sisterhood, but rocked up a bit)! Just the other morning I captured this:
Remember the "Family Circus" comic strip? Remember how they showed where the little boy had meandered by a dashed line? Check this out!
Tiny Girl had been playing in some water puddles (totally un-diva-ish behavior, I didn't have the heart to tell her though), her pants and shoes soaked, and she left us a trail!
Oh, if only they'd always leave tracks...then we'd know just exactly where they had been! I think I'd find this especially helpful in the high school years, dontcha think?
Man, I love this girl!
lol she's a complete doll! I know the surprise and wow factor all to well! Although we were "talking" about having another one... I for one was really leaning towards NOT.... i'm a firm believer in "wanna make God laugh, tell him YOUR plans"! I'm so happy to read your blogs, and know you're surviving (and well i might add) because 4 kids 4 and under.... well at 39 who am i kidding... i'm petrified! LOL
I just saw your comment on MckMama's blog and hopped over here - I can SO relate to the footprints through the house! My sons are trained to take their shoes off before entering, so the other day my oldest traipsed with muddy boots all the way from the back door across the carpet to the front door where the shoe box is. Hard to get mad when he is deliberately following house rules!
ReplyDeleteHi! Got your comment this morning on my blog and hopped over to meet you. :)
ReplyDeleteI've actually been blogging for nearly three & a half years and I tink you are only my 2nd stranger comment, so I was pumped!
Lovely family you have, too! In scanning through, looks like we share much in common with our five Minnesotan kiddos each...
This post especially made me smile, as you describe almost word for word my feelings on having four children adn finding out we were having a fifth. I was in complete denial, it COULDN'T be! But, oh, do we love our fifth to pieces. :) It just took me a few wks. to adapt to the idea initially...
(I meant think.. not tink... I may be a native northern Minnesotan, but I don't speak Sven & Ollie.) ;)