My muses are currently on strike, or something...I don't feel one teeny little smidge of creativity right now, so excuse me, while I regurgitate something back to you, that I posted awhile ago. Hopefully, you'll enjoy this little bout of reflux! ;) ------------------------------------------- Original post: My Grandpa and the Pot Plant: Yes, my friends, you read that right...the pot plant, not the plant pot. Pot, as in cannabis, marijuana, weed...uh huh, that kind of pot! This: Is my Grandpa! He looks kinda grumpy here, but really he's not! This man will do anything for a loved one...he'd drive through three states just to change a tire for you (and bitch about it the whole way, but be darned mad if you called anyone else!!), he even once brought me my purse when I was shopping 45 minutes away...just ' cuz I was air-brained enough to leave it at home! He doesn't drink, doesn't smoke, is nearly 80 years old and is healthier than most 40 year olds . That...