Time to announce the Felt Board winners!!
I know, I know...so late. I'm sorry!! I've been busy, and hey...at least I'm getting the winners posted, right?!
BUT...good news! The wonderful folks over at Betty Lukens are offering a discount for my readers...that's YOU GUYS!! Just enter FIVE at the checkout for 15% off your order!
Okay...here we go!
The randomly selected winners are:
#12 Monica

#10 Abby S.

#19 Jen

Congrats, winners! Contact me at fivecrookedhalos (at) gmail (dot) com and I'll get your info over to the Betty Luken peeps!
Congrats to the winners and thanks to Betty Lukens for the discount!
Congratulations to the winners! I hope you enjoy your felt boards and the imagination they can inspire in your children.