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Showing posts from January, 2012

One Year.

One year ago, our world came crashing down around us with one phone call. One year ago, I experienced heartbreak and sorrow like I never have before. One year ago, I learned what it was like to support your spouse through unimaginable pain. One year ago , we had to tell our kids that their incredible uncle was now watching over them from above. One year ago, I discovered that I hated the phrase "I'm sorry for your loss.". One year ago , I realized that my emotions come in all consuming waves at times I least expect it. One year ago, I had to talk myself into believing it was true. One year ago, I "what if'ed " and "if only" and "why'd" myself crazy. One year ago, I didn't know how things would be in a year . One year later, the hole in our lives is still ever present, but there is healing . One year later, I am so happy to see how easily we talk about Verd . One year later, we are remembering...we are reminiscing...we are l...

Mexican Randomness...

Sometimes, I look at these photos and just laugh. It's crazy that it's only been two weeks since the wedding...I feel like it's forever ago! Our random photos: Somewhere over Mexico... My "row-mate" mom wisely placed me between the Mr. and T...knowing that if anyone can talk me down from "OHMYGOSH THE PLANE IS GOING TO CRASH AND WE'RE ALL GOING TO DIE!!", it is those two... After every "show" the employees would get up on stage and dance to this "si, si, si/no, no, no/oo oo" dance. The guy in the front on the left? That's Diego...I'm still not sure if he's Dora's cousin or not, but anyway, my mom loved him. That girl in the middle with the turquoise show dress on? That's me. Okay, it's not, I was just her body double. ;) Seriously, those girls were IN SHAPE! Made me want to eat a burger and fries for them... And then, my brother became a picture crasher! What I want to know is, why does h...

Head and Shoulders...Green Apple Style.

Okay, so, the story goes that there was a girl who used to think dandruff shampoo was...well, weird. Don't ask her why, she really doesn't know, but in any event, she just breezed right past that section of the shampoo aisle without a second glance to those "itchy scalp" shampoos. Then, one day, she had the opportunity to try out some of that "weird" shampoo ...and LOW AND BEHOLD!! it actually, wasn't weird! It was wonderful! So, when that girl received a second opportunity to try out another version of that WONDERFUL shampoo, she jumped on it. (Psssst...yo. If you haven't caught on, that "girl" in the story above is moi. Over 'n out.) BlogHer and Head and Shoulders provided me with some Green Apple Shampoo and Conditioner, and I've gotta say, Mama continues to be pleased! Guys, the mop on top of my head? It's thick up there. And, when a girl's got thick, heavy hair, it takes a lot to get some bounce goin...

Real Time...

Ahhhhh ...bed. Currently, in my life: I'm lying beside a certain Baby Girl who is whining because my bedside lamp is on. To which I say, "Get in yer own dang bed, then!" ;) Wondering why asparagus makes your pee smell. Grody . Not looking forward to my three day work week. I know, I know THREE WHOLE DAYS, right? Yeah,'s one more than I usually work and one less with the family and boo. Two people in our house are celebrating birthdays this week...anyone remember who? Had a delicious supper at my parent's tonight...replete with DQ's for dessert! Yum. *burp* Trying to decide which Mexico post to do next...random Mexico madness or Mama's Epic Meltdown? Hmmmmm ...decisions, decisions. Have a new BlogHer giveaway post coming up tomorrow...gotta get that all scheduled to post. Make sure you stop back tomorrow and enter! Realizing that I need to pick back up on the Reader's Digest posts ...those are fun for me. Well...I think that's it. The ...

Five Question Friday!! 1/27/12

Whistle while you work...tweedle eet deet deet deet deet. to welcome babies this morning, then HELLO WEEKEND! Gotta get a special little someone some presents for her birthday that's coming up. Oh, and I suppose I should get Baby some, too. ;) Dang girl, stealing my birthday ...I say that deserves an iPad, no? Okay, so last night I was up until after 1 am uploading a mass quantity of photos from whale watching (did you read that epic novel? It's kind of fun...) and I'm BEAT today, so I'm gonna get right down to business and get this 5QF show on the road! Welcome to Five Question Friday!! You've come to the right place if you want a fun, easy post or if you've suddenly discovered your muses have decided they are on strike for the weekend. Rules for 5QF: Copy and paste the following questions to your blog post, answer them, then watch for the linky post to appear Friday morning and LINK UP! Oh, and remember (pay close attention...this is the important ...

Thursday Night 5QF Sneak Peek!!

Thursday. Already. Wow. How does that happen? One minute it's Monday morning and I'm sad to have the weekend over and BAM the next minute, it's Thursday night and almost the weekend again. So...everyone. Listen closely. Did you know that Blogger comments have a reply feature now? I have been replying like crazy...but I don't know if anyone gets my replies unless they come back and check in which case HELLO BLOGGER, how about adding a "notify" option? Check it out. It's super fun. Well...anyway... Welcome to Five Question Friday!! You've come to the right place if you want a fun, easy post or if you've suddenly discovered your muses have decided they are on strike for the weekend. Rules for 5QF: Copy and paste the following questions to your blog post, answer them, then watch for the linky post to appear Friday morning and LINK UP! Oh, and remember (pay close attention...this is the important one)...HAVE FUN! Questions for Friday, January 27th : (S...

Whale Watching in Bahia de Banderas

Warning...this post is long. BUT WAIT!! It is FUN and FULL of photos! So, read it, will you? I think you'll enjoy it...especially the part about my "Scottish" husband... "Bahia de Banderas " or " Banderas Bay"...a "shark-free", mountain-lined, dolphin-filled winter home to humpback whales. I put "shark-free" in quotes because you know what they say in Mexican markets, "for you senorita, almost free today". Their "free" seems to be just a bit different than our "free". But, that's what they claim. Shark-free waters because of the (5? maybe more?) different species of dolphins that inhabit this bay...they supposedly keep the sharks away (word on the pier is that there has never been a shark spotted in the bay...) which in turn makes for fabulous breeding grounds for humpback whales. No sharks to eat the baby whales. Gory, I know. And now, aren't you so glad you know that little tidbit of inform...

Our Aussies

I thought I'd mix things up a bit and talk about a country OTHER THAN Mexico for once. ;) Oooooh , aren't you so excited?! So, instead of telling you about my Epic Mexican Meltdown, imma fill you in on our new "family". Once upon a time, my husband was a young little whipper snapper. Full of adventure and grand ideas. Midway through his college career, he took himself half way around the world to work on a farm in Australia. Now, I had certainly known about this Australian stint...dreamed about it, really, and the accent he surely must've had when he returned from 6 months Down Under. *swoon* However, it was just sort of a "story" to me...a " pre -me" thing that sounded like a lot of fun but not really "real" to me. Over the years, he lost touch with his host family. He'd take out his photo albums every so often and tell stories to the kids (he's quite the story teller, that one) about his adventures and they'd ask all ...