This place? This place that is world renowned and, practically, in my backyard? It's incredible.
A maze of buildings and hotels...all of which seem to be connected in someway. Underground. Via walk ways. Shared elevators. Incredible.
The doctors? So far, the ones we met were fabulous...kinda. One of them basically beat up my poor grandma. No, really. I am serious.
Okay, so yeah...she was doing tests on her but STILL! That's my GRAM!! Hands off, Dr. B-word.
Then, while we waited until the new moon for our clinical assistant to come get us, we got bored. And goofy. And, got a case of the giggles. And bounced on chairs and flicked switches and did all sorts of other incredibly mature stuff while waiting (did I mention it was for, like, half our lives?!) to be collected by this mythical "clinical assistant".
She was very much like a unicorn. NON-EXISTENT.
But, eventually , came she did. And then we were on our way.
My mama and I were treated to a mahvelo...