Happy Friday, my friends! I hope you all are planning fun, exciting things to do. I'll hafta live vicariously through you, 'cuz I work the whole, stinkin' weekend. I think it's supposed to rain, and please don't hate me when I say that that makes me happy. Please? 'Cuz, lemme tell ya, there's nothing worse than being stuck inside a huge brick building, breathing recycled air when the world outside is enjoying sunshine, fresh air and chirping birds. But, anyway...let's get down to the fun stuff!! I'm not gonna vlog today. After my last...um... video ...I think I'll let the horror and humiliation die down a bit first. I'll have you know, tho'...that that video nabbed me the title of "Weirdest" in my family! Yessssssss. Well...here's the goods that you came here for! Five Question Friday Rules: Copy the following questions to your blog post, answer them, then come on back to link up! If you'd like, grab the MckLinky blog h...