I have a sneaking suspicion, as evidenced by the sharp, jabbing, grinding, twisting, radiating pain in my lower right ribcage area, that my gallbladder is staging a coup and planning a revolt.

Those damn chili cheese fries from Wendy's made it angry. And, I'm not sure they were entirely worth it. Boo.
Anyway, I am biding my time, hoping it settles down and can stay put for a while...one of my best friends has a theory "Your body has organs for a reason" and you know what? I think she's right...although, tons of people have now "confessed" that they've "lost" their gallbladders. Gah. For now, I can live with the discomfort. Only, I'm afraid that I'll wait too long and kill my liver in the process, or something, you know?
We all know how good I am at acting on medical issues promptly. So, here's to me not killing my liver! CHEERS!
So, you've come here for the 5QF sneak peek, I'm assuming? Well, wait no more, then!
Welcome to Five Question Friday!! You've come to the right place if you want a fun, easy post or if you've suddenly discovered your muses' gallbladders have them in a headlock and refuse to release them.
Those damn chili cheese fries from Wendy's made it angry. And, I'm not sure they were entirely worth it. Boo.
Anyway, I am biding my time, hoping it settles down and can stay put for a while...one of my best friends has a theory "Your body has organs for a reason" and you know what? I think she's right...although, tons of people have now "confessed" that they've "lost" their gallbladders. Gah. For now, I can live with the discomfort. Only, I'm afraid that I'll wait too long and kill my liver in the process, or something, you know?
We all know how good I am at acting on medical issues promptly. So, here's to me not killing my liver! CHEERS!
So, you've come here for the 5QF sneak peek, I'm assuming? Well, wait no more, then!
Welcome to Five Question Friday!! You've come to the right place if you want a fun, easy post or if you've suddenly discovered your muses' gallbladders have them in a headlock and refuse to release them.
Rules for 5QF: Copy and paste the following questions to your blog post, answer them, then watch for the linky post to appear Friday morning and LINK UP!
Oh, and remember (pay close attention...this is the important one)...HAVE FUN!
Questions for Friday, August 3rd: (Special thanks to Pam (@trooppetrie) from Troop Petrie, Brooke (@HallBro) from Brooke and Michael, Maranda, getting all political on us ;) (@MarandaLamping) from Maranda Lamping, Tina (@PeazyT) from I Have Autism, Not Cooties, and Mrs. K (@KSJD22) from Mrs. K and Captain J for these 5QF question suggestions! I would love to link you in a future 5QF, so come on over to my community or watch for my Thursday afternoon shout out for questions on Twitter and offer up your best question suggestions! Remember to @5crookedhalos me and use hashtag #5QF if you go the Twitter route!)
1. What is a must in a hotel room?
2. Which Olympic event would you be best at?
3. What's your stance on the Chick-fil-A subject?
4. One thing you said you'd never do as a parent, but totally have.
5. What's the weirdest thing you've ever found at a yard sale?
Here we go! See you in the morning...
My blog address is michaelandbrookehall.blogspot.com. Though, I haven't posted in a year. :)
ReplyDeleteWell, no better time to jump back into blogging than 5QF...especially with a question YOU offered up! Do it. ;)