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Five Question Friday! 5/31/13

Yahoo!!! It's Friday! And henceforth, many busy weekends and the beginning of summer!!!


Welcome to Five Question Friday!! You've come to the right place if you discovered your muses are consumed with researching household appliances. 

Rules for 5QF: Copy and paste the following questions to your blog post, answer them, then watch for the linky post to appear Friday morning and LINK UP! 

Oh, and remember (pay close attention...this is the important one)...HAVE FUN!

Questions for Friday, May 24th: (Special thanks to Melissa (@Melissa_M80), 
Pam (@trooppetrie) from Troop Petrie (for TWO questions!!), Gas Fam (@gasfamily) from The Gas Family and yours truly for these 5QF question suggestions! I would love to link you in a future 5QF, so follow me on Twitter (@5crookedhalos) and/or like my Facebook page and watch for my Thursday shout out plea for questions! Remember to @5crookedhalos me and use hashtag #5QF if you go the Twitter route!)

1. What is an acceptable age for girls to start dating?

2. Do you think your kids should have summer homework?

3. Would you prefer to live without AC or heat?

4. What the worst thing about staying in a hotel? (Besides not being with your family)

5. So, do your kids really get "104 days of summer vacation"? (Bonus points for those of you that get this reference!)


1. What is an acceptable age for girls to start dating?
Um...never? Okay, okay, okay...30.

30 and suitors must complete a rigorous interview process beforehand.

Ugh. Fine. I'm kidding. I want my girls (and boys) to be married with children by the time they're 30, so the dating process can commence at age 23, and not a moment prior.

2. Do you think your kids should have summer homework?

NO!!! A big, fat, resounding NO!!

Summer is our time off...and I'm a firm believer in learning through living. Just because my kids aren't in school, doesn't mean they aren't learning...sure, they're not doing worksheets and assignments, but we're learning. Trust me.

Also, I'm a big believer in NO homework. My children are at school for 7 hours a day, I feel that is sufficient time for them to get the work done that they need to do. (Barring sick days and make up work, of course.)

Studying for tests? Sure, that goes, but average, everyday work? Please don't ruin the little time I get with my kiddos in the evenings by giving out oodles of homework!!

3. Would you prefer to live without AC or heat? in good ol' MinneSOOOOOOta, we can't live, literally, without heat. We would die.

Yes, I am serious.

Our pipes would freeze and burst and we would turn into people shaped icicles.

With temps that drop WELL below freezing (-50 degrees, anyone? Okay, that's rare...but -30? Bet we see that every winter.) it becomes a hazard to one's health to not have heat.

So that is my final answer: AC. I can live without AC. (I do, indeed, live without it...)

4. What the worst thing about staying in a hotel? (Besides not being with your family)

For one thing? Those stupid hotels that use flat sheets in place of fitted sheets. I pulled out my most princessiest princess once upon a time and asked for a fitted sheet and guess what?

They had them.

I guess they save them for the princesses. (Or, you know, the really high maintenance guests, like me.)

5. So, do your kids really get "104 days of summer vacation"? (Bonus points for those of you that get this reference!)

No. Fer dumb.

We counted today, and, at best, we get 101 days...and that's if Labor Day is late.

Here's what my ideal school calendar would look like: School in session January, February, and the rest of the year. Whaddya think?

Alright, I'll give you the last week in December and all of April until the snow stops and the weather warms up.


Have a wonderful weekend!


  1. our answers are so much alike. I cannot imagine having homework like kids do now

  2. -30 degrees????!!!! I. Would. Die. I said I can live without heat because I can always put more clothes (and blankets) on but I guess there is a limit. I'm not sure I could ever get warm enough in that cold weather!! Yikes!

  3. Kids should have summer time, free, play, fun summertime. That's what I remember as a child and I had a CHILDHOOD. I want that for my son!

    For me, I couldn't live without the air conditioner! We have two summers in New Orleans - Summer and Summer Lite. Summer is like steamy hot shower at all times, as early as 9am. ICK.


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