Happy, happy, happy birthday to my favorite middle brother!! Hope your day is as wonderful as you are, Treehorn!
Oooooh, Friday the 13th. This calls for a scary movie night. Actually, we're on a hunt for "Big"...our local Walmart doesn't have it, where the heck would I find it? Pal and I were discussing The Pioneer Woman's Tom Hank's Movie Matchup and were recounting all the great Tom Hanks movies...

Then we got a hankerin' (ha, get it? HANKerin'? You know, Tom HANKS?! Dang...I crack myself up sometimes.) to watch "Big". Or "Forest Gump". Or maybe "Cast Away". And I was telling him how awesome Mr. Hanks was in "Philedelphia"...and then there's "Sleepless in Seattle"...
Anyway, gotta work again today. And then? Then we're takin' off on a "lo-cation"! (That's my version of "local vacation"...not really a "staycation" but not really a "vacation"...just close enough that we're, well, not too far away but not staying at home! Clever, huh?)
Let's get this party started.
Welcome to Five Question Friday!! You've come to the right place if you want a fun, easy post or if you've suddenly discovered your muses are traumatized from their brush with death via ice cream cone.
Oooooh, Friday the 13th. This calls for a scary movie night. Actually, we're on a hunt for "Big"...our local Walmart doesn't have it, where the heck would I find it? Pal and I were discussing The Pioneer Woman's Tom Hank's Movie Matchup and were recounting all the great Tom Hanks movies...
Anyway, gotta work again today. And then? Then we're takin' off on a "lo-cation"! (That's my version of "local vacation"...not really a "staycation" but not really a "vacation"...just close enough that we're, well, not too far away but not staying at home! Clever, huh?)
Let's get this party started.
Welcome to Five Question Friday!! You've come to the right place if you want a fun, easy post or if you've suddenly discovered your muses are traumatized from their brush with death via ice cream cone.
Rules for 5QF: Copy and paste the following questions to your blog post, answer them, then watch for the linky post to appear Friday morning and LINK UP!
Oh, and remember (pay close attention...this is the important one)...HAVE FUN!
Questions for Friday, July 13th: (Special thanks to Erin (@emenchho1) from The Life and Times of E1, Kate (@katieb38) from Kate's Life, Pam (@trooppetrie) from Troop Petrie, Gas Family (@gasfamily) from The Gas Family and Sandy (@PardonMyDust) from Pardon My Dust for these 5QF question suggestions! I would love to link you in a future 5QF, so come on over to my community or watch for my Thursday afternoon shout out for questions on Twitter and offer up your best question suggestions! (Remember to @5crookedhalos me and use hashtag #5QF if you go the Twitter route!)
1. What's your view on men wearing sandals (yay or nay)?
2. What song do you love but are embarrassed to admit?
3. What summer camp should they make for moms?
4. What is the most romantic song? (Not necessarily your favorite or your wedding song...)
5. Do you have an embarrassing pregnancy story?
1. What's your view on men wearing sandals (yay or nay)?
Flip flops? Yay.
Sandals? Nay.
The image of "men in sandals" that I have in my head is one of old, gray librarians on vacation wearing white crew socks pulled up mid shin and thos two strap velcro sandals.
You know, the ones with the strap across the toe area and one around the ankle/heel?
Not so attractive. But, a rugged pair of flip flops (wait...does "rugged" go with "flip flop"? Help out here...)? Fo sho.
2. What song do you love but are embarrassed to admit?
Don't laugh, kay?
No, seriously. You can't laugh.
Okay then...I like...okay, don't laugh..."Call Me Maybe".
I KNOW!!! I'm ashamed to admit it. But, it's just so catchy, I can't help it.
Now, you forget I ever said that, okay?
3. What summer camp should they make for moms?
I have the perfect camp...
Camp Iwannatakeanap
It would be great. Instead of crafts...naps. Instead of campfire songs...early bedtimes without having to put kids to sleep. Instead of dishes...more naps.
4. What is the most romantic song? (Not necessarily your favorite or your wedding song...)
Elvis, baby. "Can't Help Falling in Love".
His voice. The lyrics (at least those of them that I know). The music.
What a perfect slow dance song.
And now, which song do you have stuck in your head?
Sorry. Could be worse...could be "The Song that Never Ends".
Oops. Sorry again. Have with that, now.
5. Do you have an embarrassing pregnancy story?
Hmmmmmmm...you know, the only real embarrasing pregnancy story I have is going into the hospital with Baby Girl, thinking (wishful thinking) that I was in labor. Wishful because I had been taken off work the week before and it was killing me that I was sitting at home using up maternity leave whilst the real reason for my maternity leave was still snug as a bug inside of me.
Anyway, had some contractions. Went in. Petered out. Came home. With a baby in my belly still.
And why is this embarrassing? Well, my dear friends, remember...I am a labor nurse. I had already had 4 children at this point. I SHOULD HAVE KNOWN BETTER.
Have a fabulous weekend!
That is funny that you went in for a false alarm, it makes me feel better about not knowing when to go in!
ReplyDeletei think we have a lot in common, yucko on the man sandals.
ReplyDeletehaha I have totally done the false alarm thing. so embarrassing. and expensive.
ReplyDeleteim so glad i found you today and have linked up. great questions-so hard to choose just 1 answer. i could probably come up with many answers to the embarrassing pregnancy question. i think i have about 27 months worth. :)
ReplyDeleteWhat a great choice of romantic song I love Elvis
ReplyDeleteI love 'Call Me Maybe' so catchy, permanently stuck in my head. And 'Can't Help Falling In Love' is a beautiful song. Great choice! :D
ReplyDeleteThey do make sandals for men that don't look like old-man sandals, but NO sandals should ever be worn with socks!
ReplyDeleteAwww..... "Can't Help Falling in Love" is our song!! We didn't have one until picking our first dance song for our wedding and that one just stuck. LOVE!
ReplyDeleteI <3 Call Me Maybe and I'm so not embarrassed to admit it! :)
ReplyDeleteI want to go to your camp!