Wow...all the things I miss out on when I don't finish reading my emails!! This is gonna be a busy Friday!!
Even tho' I hafta work...I'm totally gonna party it up (gosh, what's better than partying in your pajamas at home?!!) with 5 Minutes for Mom!
This is the first time I'm doing, I hope it's as fun as it sounds!
Now...onto business as usual...the Five Question Friday Sneak Peek!
Happy Thursday, my friends!!
Are you ready for your 5QF sneak peek?!!
Ready, okay!! (Sorry, just getting my cheerleader on...)
Rules (as always...): Copy and paste the following questions to your blog. Answer them, then c'mon back and link up! If you'd like, you can grab the MckLinky Blog Hop code! I would also luuuurrrrvvvveeee it if you'd link back to me, Mama M.!
If you don't have a blog, but would still like to play along, feel free to leave your answers in the comments of any blog along the way!
Questions for Friday, April 9th: (Thanks to Renee, Pam, LulaLola, Robin, and Me!! for their question suggestions! Wanna be linked in a future 5QF? Head on over to my Blog Frog community to offer up YOUR best question suggestions! Oh, and does anyone think we need to start a fresh thread for 5QF over there? Sometimes, I feel lost with all the questions over there!)
1. Who would you want to play you in a movie of your life?
2. Did you ever go to summer camp?
3. What sends you running and screaming in the other direction?
4. What is something you do that drives your spouse nuts?
5. What is currently your favorite song?
Alright friends...there ya go!

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