Happy Easter!!!!!
We just completed a crazy, busy weekend full of:
Easter Egg hunts,
And baked ham, Reese's peanut butter eggs, and gummy bunnies...
And, one sick boy. :(
It's "veg time" now!
But, first...our "Date of the Week"!!
This week's Date is:
I'm a married mommy of 2 little boys. During the week I'm home with my boys but I choose to work on the weekends in attempts to keep the crazies at bay. They still find me anyway so I've taken to spilling my guts out on my blog for all to see. Not everyone finds me funny but at least I laugh at ME. Yes, I am a dork...never claimed to be anything but. Kerri's Klutter is where my brains junk gets emptied out. Come over and rummage you might be surprised at what you find.
Head on over to visit Kerri, and tell her Mama sent you! ;)
Would YOU like to be listed in my Personals, and have your very own turn at being our Date of the Week? Just click on the Personals tab above for the deets!!
Tomorrow kicks off my Blogoversary Celebration! I've got a fun game planned, so stay tuned...there are prizes involved!!

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