Ack!! Sorry for the late preview...I had all intentions of scheduling a post, but I ran out of time before I had to leave for work!
Dang work. Always gettin' in the way of my blogging.
Forgive me? Please? we go!
Rules for Five Question Friday: Copy and paste the following questions to a blog post. Answer them then c'mon back to link up! Grab the MckLinky bloghop code, if that's your kinda thing! I'd LOVE it if you'd link back to me, Mama M.!
No blog? Feel free to answer the questions in the comments of any blog along the way!
Questions for Friday, April 2nd: (Thanks to Natalie, LulaLola, Pam (for inspiration for #3), Lily, and Renee (who is on FIRE! with the questions!!) for their question suggestions! Wanna be linked in a future 5QF? C'mon over here, to my community and offer up your best question suggestions!)
1. Do you sing out loud in the car when you're driving?
2. What would you never be caught doing?
3. Will you go #2 in a public restroom?
4. Have you ever broken a bone?
5. Do you prefer cooking or baking?
Last week was a vlogomania!! Lot's of "vlogomaniacs" doin' 5QF vlog style! Sounds like some more are gonna do it this week!
I might just join in! Guess we'll see what my mood is in the morning!
See ya real soon! ;)
PS-Thank you, everyone...for all you kind, supportive, helpful words on my last post. I appreciate you all so incredibly much, and I can't tell you how many times your words brought tears to my eyes.
Thank you.

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