***Update: Answers posted below...winners/points awarded in comments! Stay tuned for tomorrow's questions!
Wow...I can NOT believe, that in 6 days, I will have been at this blogging thing for a whole year.
A whole freakin' year!

I surprised myself when I kept at it for a week...was astounded when I was still goin' strong at a month...and am totally floored that this has become so much fun for me at one year, that I don't think I'll ever stop!
I remember waaaayyyy back when...when I took the initial plunge into this goofy, blogging world...back when I...me, myself, was the only reader of my blog.
Then, I got brave...and told my bestie.
And then I had two readers.
My first follower? I still remember was the Krumwiede 6, and I was sooooo incredibly excited that I had one follower! Thank you, Krumwiede 6, for being my very first follower!! For setting this ship a sail!
If I am to be entirely honest with you...I never, ever, ever, never thought, when I wrote that first blog post, that a year later I'd have over 700 followers...or even 70...or, heck! Even 7 followers!
So, in order to "ring in the new year" (bloggy style!) we're gonna have us a Blogoversary Countdown! Complete with points and prizes and lot's of fun!
Throughout this week, I'm going to pose a series of questions to you, my awesome readers, about things from "back in the day"!
Each day, I'll ask 3 questions, pertaining to my blog, the first person to answer them all, correctly, will get 15 points, the second person to answer them correctly will get 10 points, and the third person to answer them correctly will get 5 points! (Comments will be hidden! Or, moderated...whatever works with this system I've got!!)
***To keep things interesting...I've decided I'm going to also award 15 points to one randomly selected person who answers all the questions correctly!
At the end of the Countdown, I'll be awarding prizes to the top three peeps with most points! Not sure yet...drumming up some awesome ideas for prizes tho, that's for certain!
Alright...so, are we set???
1. In one of my very early posts...I talk about a celebrity that now plays an important role for us MinneSOOOtans...who is that celebrity?
**Al Franken (gag)
2. What was the date of my very first Not Me! Monday?
**May 3rd...prior to me knowing how to schedule a post for the next day! (forehead slap!)
3. (Toughy here!!) What was the original title/url of my blog (before I realized I was violating a trademark)? (hint...it's in a post in early May!)
**My Mamalogue (almost crapped my pants when I stumbled upon the real Mamalogue chick!)
Ready, set...go!!
Answers hidden til tonight!

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