I'm struggling. Really, truly, having a hard time with my baby going to kindergarten. I knew it was coming soon, I knew it was going to be difficult, but tonight, when I walked in the door from work and saw her Kindergarten stuff from Open House? Well, the tears started. And the tightness in my heart is breaking me. At this moment, I'm sort of wishing I was one of those moms that looks forward to school starting. One that gets excited about kids going off to school and eager for changes like this. But I'm not. And I'm struggling. You'll probably hear a lot from me over the next couple of weeks about this subject...cuz I'm just not ready. I just can't believe that my Baby Girl is starting school. That my nest in one step closer to being empty. That my first baby is a senior and I'm taking his senior pictures tomorrow. Where is the time going?????? Ugh. Please pass the tissues.