A month or two ago, I noticed Baby Girl was squinting one eye when looking at close up objects, books, etc. I started watching her like a hawk, looking for the same eye turn that Belle has. When Belle was diagnosed with accommodative esotropia, we were told to watch our younger kids, as it tends to run in families. I watched Baby Girl so closely that I wasn't entirely sure if I actually was, indeed, seeing her eye turn in, or if I was just being that crazy, overprotective, "I'm seeing something that's not actually there" kind of mom, but nonetheless, I made an eye doctor appointment for her, convinced, if anything, that her squinting needed to be evaluated. Well, mere minutes into that eye exam, and it was confirmed that Baby Girl also had accommodative esotropia. You'd think that I'd be all knowing and full of the right questions to ask, being we've been down this road before, but yeah. No. Not until I got home did all the questions come. ...