It's Friiiiiiiidaaaaay!! Do you know what that means?
It means it's time for Five Question Friday...aka 5QF in some parts of the blogosphere!! I hope you'll join in! I promise you'll meet a bunch of awesome, amazing, interesting, fun women (no men yet, sorry, single ladies...)!!
For all you first timers...here's the deets: Copy and paste the following questions to your blog, answer them, grab the MckLinky code (if you want) then come on back and link up! I would love, love, love it, if you'd link back to me, Mama M.!!
For those of you that don't have a blog (get on it!!) feel free to answer in the questions below here, or at any blog you visit!
Okay...let's get started!
Questions for Friday, 1/8/10: (Thanks to Megan, Tara, Kate, and Thorney London)for their question suggestions!! Wanna be linked in a future 5QF? It's easy peasy lemon squeezy!! Just leave your question suggestions here!)
1. What's your "comfort food"?
2. Do you send Thank You's (handwritten or email)?
3. If you had to be trapped in a TV show for a month, which show would you choose?
4. What is your favorite online recipe site?
5. If you had to choose: "Friends" or "Seinfeld"?
1. What's your "comfort food"?
Hand down, without a doubt...mashed potatoes! Oh, man...they are the cure to anything!
But...but!!! They must be homemade! No flakes for this flake!
Oh, how I love mashed potatoes!
And, soup. My Grandma's Vegetable Beef Soup is to die for. To. Die. For.
Yum!! Gosh...is it lunch yet?!!
2. Do you send Thank You's (handwritten or email)?
Well, I try to...does that count?!
For baby gifts, yes...without a doubt, I send a handwritten Thank You! For birthdays, Christmas...not so much.
That's terrible...isn't it? It's not that I'm ungrateful...no way! I am sooooo extremely grateful for gifts I receive...it's just that...well...I guess I'm lazy.
But, sometimes...I'll get a wild hair up my behind, and voila! A Thank You card is in the mail!
3. If you had to be trapped in a TV show for a month, which show would you choose?
Well...if I could choose any of all time, I'd probably say Friends. Or...gosh...SNL would be pretty awesome too!
But, that's not my final answer. Nope!
I would say...(please don't laugh!!) a food show! Like "Iron Chefs", or "Ace of Cakes"...something fun like that!
I know...I'm weird.
But, just think of all the awesome food I'd get to eat! For a whole month!! Which means...I'd probably hafta get trapped on the Biggest Loser after that.
And, I don't like to Shred. Unless we're talking cheese...or cabbage...or snowboarding. (Okay...I lied. I don't snowboard...I'm not even sure that "shredding" is a snowboarding term...is it?)
4. What is your favorite online recipe site?
Well...once upon a time...I would've said allrecipes.com.
But, I'm like, soooo totally over that (*insert gum smacking and hair twirling here*). Oh, yeah.
It's all about the Pioneer Woman now. (I dreamt about her Marlboro Man last night! Not that kind of dream...naughty you!! He was just in it! Weird.)
She totally makes me laugh...and, gives me good recipes to fill my family's bellies with! She's da bomb. Plus, she has a Lodge.
A Lodge! *Swoon*...I want her lodge for my home. Think she'd mind if I just showed up...family in tow, laden with our belongings?
5. If you had to choose: "Friends" or "Seinfeld"?
Hard one...very hard.
I'm gonna say "Friends"...although, Seinfeld is a dang good show too!!
Oh man...maybe "Seinfeld"? This is tough!
Okay...I'm goin' with my gut. If I had to choose...like, my life wouldn't go on unless I chose between the two...it would be "Friends".
Yup. "Friends".
Okay my friends! Let's hear whatcha hafta say!

I love me some mashed potatos!! Yummy...that may be whats for dinner tonight :)
ReplyDeleteHope you have a great weekend girl
Awesome questions, I can't wait to play. I really ahve to think ......
I never read your responses before I post, but my response to the "comfort food" question is the same as yours!! I LOVE taters!!
ReplyDeleteOoh - fun questions! I'm gonna have to get to work on these! Gotta say that the "thank you" question is making me wince. Ouch! I am embarrassed by what I know my reply to be. :-/
ReplyDeleteI always answer the questions and then read your responses, I am so last year with still liking AllRecipes.com I guess. :( I have been hearing so much about Pioneer Woman, I will have to check her otu!
ReplyDeletewoohoo! finally joined your blog meme...good questions and look forward to next weeks :)
ReplyDeleteBri (GrammieMommy)
Happy Friday! I'm joining in the fun for the first time!
ReplyDeleteFun fun!
Mashed potatoes go great with my favorite comfort food.
Hope you stop by my blog for a looksie!
Have a great weekend.
I agree....NO FLAKES!!
ReplyDeleteHomemade "taters" all the way.
This was so much fun! Thanks.
ReplyDeleteBTW I agree on the mashed potatoes thing! :)
I'm going to have to check out pioneer woman! Thanks for the tip
ReplyDeletehahaha! a food show sounds fabulous!!!
ReplyDeletei love those shows! and i'm kind of obsessed with the Pioneer woman as well.
she makes me feel like a 'good cook'.
I'm the same way when it comes to mashed potatoes!
ReplyDeleteLinked up two fridays in a row! Woohoo!
ReplyDeleteThat Seinfeld/Friends question...super hard one!
Haha, you're so funny - "no flakes for this flake" I like me some real mashed potatoes, too! And yea, I'm into the pioneer woman, too now, well, her website that is! :) Ha!
ReplyDeleteUhm... *embarassed* what does "comfort food" mean? I think I misunderstood it... Please, could anyone explain what is meant? Thanks!
ReplyDeleteThe German Girl *still embarassed*
Are you like my long lost sister or somethin'? On every single five question friday, we at LEAST answer one question the same! haha!
ReplyDeleteI love me some mashed taters too!
ReplyDeleteFunny, I didn't read your answers until after I did mine and for #5 I put, easiest question ever! :) Try these crock pot potatoes, they;re the bestest! :) http://tinyurl.com/y87uath
ReplyDeleteOh and woohoo to biggest 5QF! :)
ReplyDeleteYeeee-HAW!!! 72 links ups. You've hit the big time baby!!
ReplyDeletePotatoes made of flakes just ain't right.
Catching up in the blog world! Great questions this week!! I'll try to hop on the wagon for these questions soon!! :)
ReplyDeleteI LOOOOOVE Friends! No doubt about it!
Hi! I found you through Stacey at Bloggin' it like it is.
ReplyDeleteI agree with you about the recipes. I met the pioneer woman at her first book signing. I so love that cookbook. Everything in it has been so good.
And, I'm a friends girl all the way!