Five years ago (hard to believe I've been blogging that long...) Mother Nature played a nasty April Fool's joke on us (the good news is that 2 1/2 weeks later it was in the 70's...could that actually be in our future?! Also...that link is my 3rd post. Ever. 3. Whoa.). She dumped HEAPS of snow, forcing schools to declare a snow day. In April. Not funny, Mother Nature, not funny. Well, guess what, my friends? We're under a Winter Weather Advisory. Again. For April Fool's Day. Please hold me, I'm going to cry. (And it's gonna be ugly. Ain't no pretty cryin' over here.) Currently our back yard looks like this: (And yes, that is a path through the snow to the trampoline...raising tried and true Minnesotan kids over here.) Let's see what it ends up looking like by 8 am tomorrow morning... Sounds like the wind will be the bigger factor tomorrow, not a ton of snow, but rain, turning to ice, with snow on top and high winds. You'r...