Just when y'all thought I'd prolly up and died...consumed from the inside out by whatever savage bug tore through my intestines yesterday...BUT I SURVIVED!!!
Phew. Right?
Anyway, I'm alive. And wellish. Looking forward to the gorgeous Mother's Day weekend that's ahead of us!
Ready for your Five Question Friday Sneak Peek?
Alrighty then, we aim to please (name that book)!
Questions for Friday, May 11th: (Special thanks to Pam (@trooppetrie) from Troop Petrie, Kate (@katieb38) from Kate's Life, MamaPhan (@MamaPhan) from Boy: A Noise with Dirt on It, Lindsay (@ninjalindsay) from Mac or Cheesy, and Anna (@annacdaisy) from The Single Mommy Chronicles for their question suggestions! I would love to link you in a future 5QF, so come on over to my community or watch for my Thursday afternoon shout out for questions on Twitter and offer up your best question suggestions! Remember to @5crookedhalos me and use hashtag #5QF if you go the Twitter route!)
1. What advice would you give a couple getting married?
2. If you could tell your 16 year old self ONE thing, what would it be?
3. What do you do to keep cool in the summer? (AC, windows, fans, swimming, etc.)
4. What did you (or your wife) crave most while pregnant?
5. Who is your favorite TV mom? Why?
Meetcha right back here tomorrow? See you then!
Phew. Right?
Anyway, I'm alive. And wellish. Looking forward to the gorgeous Mother's Day weekend that's ahead of us!
Ready for your Five Question Friday Sneak Peek?
Alrighty then, we aim to please (name that book)!
Welcome to Five Question Friday!! You've come to the right place if you want a fun, easy post or if you've suddenly discovered your muses have been displaced, due to a stomach virus that threatened to well...nevermind.
Rules for 5QF: Copy and paste the following questions to your blog post, answer them, then watch for the linky post to appear Friday morning and LINK UP!
Oh, and remember (pay close attention...this is the important one)...HAVE FUN!
1. What advice would you give a couple getting married?
2. If you could tell your 16 year old self ONE thing, what would it be?
3. What do you do to keep cool in the summer? (AC, windows, fans, swimming, etc.)
4. What did you (or your wife) crave most while pregnant?
5. Who is your favorite TV mom? Why?
Meetcha right back here tomorrow? See you then!

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