Perma-smile. On my face. Today was magnificent.
From the weather to the company to the festivities...poifect.
Was greeted by my hubs with coffee and a card that had a certificate for a massage!!! A MASSAGE! Guys, he DOES listen! He redeemed himself from the chocolate covered strawberries and Pepsi/beef jerky gifts of late.
I have sun-kissed shoulders, grimy, tired kids, and a full heart.
Today was so beautiful, that the "cousins" decided to take a dip in the river...which might not seem at all strange to anyone who lives anywhere but Minnesota, but dudes. The river? The mighty Mississippi? Normally at this time of the year, a dip in the river would be considered crazy.
Because normally the river is breathtakingly chilly. Literally BREATHTAKING. But today? Still a bit cold, but tolerable! The kids jumped in several times before deciding that they were too cold to do it anymore!
And now...I rest. After the full, fabulous weekend that we had...I'm pooped!
G'night my friends!

Sounds like you had a day much like mine! It must have been nice out everywhere, because down here in Wisco. it was like God himself ordained a beautiful day for mothers! Glad to hear you had a wonderfully fufilling day.
ReplyDeleteSounds like a great day, happy belated Mother's Day!