My Gram is such a good sport...she started a new medicine whose side effects are kicking her butt, and yet she's still game for a little cooking! So, yet again, we present you with a little something "easy" to prepare!
Teriyaki Chicken Wings. (Oh dear heavens are they good!!)
I had to laugh 'cuz this was a little of a "he said/she said" moment. My mama also makes these chicken wings...they're her always requested appetizer at family gatherings...but her technique is just a bit different than Gram's.
So, I heard a bit of this, over the last week, "Well, your mom does this, but I do that..." and "Well, gram does this, but I do that..." as we were preparing to cook these delicious wings! Basically, what it boils down to is just a couple of things: my mom's recipe is doubled, she marinates them for 3 days...THREE DAYS PEOPLE!, and finishes them off in a crock-pot. Gram's recipe includes pineapple, she cooks them until they're caramelized, and doesn't believe in the crock-pot method. ;)
I think it's against her religion. (KIDDING! I'm totally kidding. She just prefers them cooked in the oven and not so falling off the bone-ish from the crock-pot.)
Otherwise, it's totally the same. (Which I know is like saying "OH! I have that shirt...except it's not blue, it has long sleeves, and buttons down the front and a different hem!", not really the same, you know?!)'s the dealio:
Grab yourself some chicken wings/drummies (I'm a drummy girl myself...which do you prefer?)...and thaw those babies out!
Toss 'em in a deep pan with your chopped onions, which gram leaves big 'cuz we have some onion haters amongst us, not mentioning any names MOM, and then they can pick those "damn onions" (her words, not mine) out!
Mix up the marinade and snap a cute photo of Gram trying to steal a kiss from Baby.
Pour the marinade over the chicken:
And since, you know, Gram has so many more years experience at this sort of thing than I do, make her dig in and toss those wings up:
Then, grab your best "marinating dish" (or marinate in the bag like my mom does)...this vintage Tupperware dish is the ideal "marinater'. In fact, I've asked Gram to leave it to me in her will.
Forget the diamonds and gold, I want that Tupperware dish. ;)
Just look at how you can flip it over and it's just as deep on the flipped side AND NOTHING LEAKS OUT. *swoon* Why don't they make stuff like that anymore? (And if they do, please tell me so I can buy my own and tell Gram to change her will.)
Anyway, leave those babies to marinate for as long as you feel I said above, my mom prefers a 1/2 week to marinate hers...these marinated for about 16 hours and they were still pretty dang tasty!
When you're ready to cook them, line a couple of baking sheets with tin foil and arrange the wings in a "single file" (like I called it when we were cooking!!) aka "single layer" on the pan, dividing the marinade between your pans.
Cook 'em in your toasty warm oven (2 hours guys...and don't skimp on the time...they get tender and caramelized and oh so delicious)...they'll be nice and dark when you take them out.
Then? Sit back and enjoy, baby.
Yup, just try a nice little bite and make sure you're sitting down...yes, they ARE that good!
Oh, and humor your baby when she asks to take a picture of you chowing down on the'll make her giggle and that giggle is worth this kind of humiliating photo:
Teriyaki Chicken Wings. (Oh dear heavens are they good!!)
I had to laugh 'cuz this was a little of a "he said/she said" moment. My mama also makes these chicken wings...they're her always requested appetizer at family gatherings...but her technique is just a bit different than Gram's.
So, I heard a bit of this, over the last week, "Well, your mom does this, but I do that..." and "Well, gram does this, but I do that..." as we were preparing to cook these delicious wings! Basically, what it boils down to is just a couple of things: my mom's recipe is doubled, she marinates them for 3 days...THREE DAYS PEOPLE!, and finishes them off in a crock-pot. Gram's recipe includes pineapple, she cooks them until they're caramelized, and doesn't believe in the crock-pot method. ;)
I think it's against her religion. (KIDDING! I'm totally kidding. She just prefers them cooked in the oven and not so falling off the bone-ish from the crock-pot.)
Otherwise, it's totally the same. (Which I know is like saying "OH! I have that shirt...except it's not blue, it has long sleeves, and buttons down the front and a different hem!", not really the same, you know?!)'s the dealio:
Grab yourself some chicken wings/drummies (I'm a drummy girl myself...which do you prefer?)...and thaw those babies out!
Toss 'em in a deep pan with your chopped onions, which gram leaves big 'cuz we have some onion haters amongst us, not mentioning any names MOM, and then they can pick those "damn onions" (her words, not mine) out!
Mix up the marinade and snap a cute photo of Gram trying to steal a kiss from Baby.
Pour the marinade over the chicken:
And since, you know, Gram has so many more years experience at this sort of thing than I do, make her dig in and toss those wings up:
Then, grab your best "marinating dish" (or marinate in the bag like my mom does)...this vintage Tupperware dish is the ideal "marinater'. In fact, I've asked Gram to leave it to me in her will.
Forget the diamonds and gold, I want that Tupperware dish. ;)
Just look at how you can flip it over and it's just as deep on the flipped side AND NOTHING LEAKS OUT. *swoon* Why don't they make stuff like that anymore? (And if they do, please tell me so I can buy my own and tell Gram to change her will.)
Anyway, leave those babies to marinate for as long as you feel I said above, my mom prefers a 1/2 week to marinate hers...these marinated for about 16 hours and they were still pretty dang tasty!
When you're ready to cook them, line a couple of baking sheets with tin foil and arrange the wings in a "single file" (like I called it when we were cooking!!) aka "single layer" on the pan, dividing the marinade between your pans.
Cook 'em in your toasty warm oven (2 hours guys...and don't skimp on the time...they get tender and caramelized and oh so delicious)...they'll be nice and dark when you take them out.
Then? Sit back and enjoy, baby.
Yup, just try a nice little bite and make sure you're sitting down...yes, they ARE that good!
Oh, and humor your baby when she asks to take a picture of you chowing down on the'll make her giggle and that giggle is worth this kind of humiliating photo:
Gram's Chicken Wings

They look delicious!
ReplyDeleteOkay, these seriously look SO delicious! Yum!
ReplyDeleteBTW they still do make those tupperware dishes.
Great recipe I'll have to try it.
Yay!!!!! Thanks for the link!
DeleteMy mom has that marinating dish!! Amazon also sells them
ReplyDeleteI want. I NEED. A better price through Amazon, too!
DeleteI was so just going to comment that they do still have the dish - I used to sell Tupperware back in my single days and I have one - it's awesome!
ReplyDeleteYummy! I will definitely have to try this!
ReplyDeleteWHOA!!! MY mom has that exact same marinater dish! I found it in the back of her bottom cupboard, and I'm so tempted to just hijack it! (THERE WAS DUST ON IT! fer shame.)
ReplyDeleteDude. Snatch that dish. Promptly. Report back to me when the mission is complete.
DeleteI totally have that dish but had no idea that's what it was! LOL! I just use it for storing stuff, like all the rest of my Tupperware.