I know you've all been glued to your computers, anxiously awaiting a report on how I handled graduation...well wait no more! The time is here! This moment in my life seems so surreal. It's like the last 18 years passed in the blink of an eye...so cliche, right? Well, cliche sometimes equals "spot on"...especially in the case of growning kids. Mamas, hug those itty bitty babies close tonight, smile at that umpteenth temper tantrum, and let today's potty accident cause you no worry, for before you know it, those days will be gone and you will be facing that baby heading off into the great big world all by himself. It breaks my heart. But at the same time, I'm so very excited for him. And nervous. And happy. And scared. And oh my. My emotions. I wish he could REALLY realize (and appreciate) what an amazing time of his life he's in right now. Anyway, I got side tracked, sorry about that...graduation. It was just as I expected. When I saw the kids...