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Showing posts from May, 2014

I Survived!

I know you've all been glued to your computers, anxiously awaiting a report on how I handled graduation...well wait no more! The time is here! This moment in my life seems so surreal. It's like the last 18 years passed in the blink of an cliche, right? Well, cliche sometimes equals "spot on"...especially in the case of growning kids. Mamas, hug those itty bitty babies close tonight, smile at that umpteenth temper tantrum, and let today's potty accident cause you no worry, for before you know it, those days will be gone and you will be facing that baby heading off into the great big world all by himself. It breaks my heart. But at the same time, I'm so very excited for him. And nervous. And happy. And scared. And oh my. My emotions. I wish he could REALLY realize (and appreciate) what an amazing time of his life he's in right now. Anyway, I got side tracked, sorry about that...graduation. It was just as I expected. When I saw the kids...

I Didn't Do it Alone...

After I wrote my last post, I realize that I basically made it sound like our success was a one woman show...which I can assure you, it was NOT! Sure, it was my determination and hard work that got us through, but without some pretty amazing people by my side, I'm pretty sure I would've fallen flat on my face MANY times. In fact, maybe it was MORE because of those amazing people that we didn't become what "they" said we would?! So...let's recognize some of these amazing people, shall we? First mom and dad. I mean, let's all be honest here...without them? I'd've been living in a box under a bridge. ;) Honestly though, their support was extraordinary. Allowing me and Pal to live at home every summer during college, helping to watch the little monster (yes, yes he was a little monster at around 2...just ask my dad!), getting him to go potty on the potty chair when I had tried and tried all DANG day to get him to go, coming to my college...

It Ain't Gonna be Purdy.

The "Season of Graduation" is upon us. Yesterday, our church celebrated our graduates at mass. As they processed up the aisle at the start of mass, a big ol' ball of emotion lodged itself right in my throat and before I knew it, I was fighting tears...and here's the kicker: I hadn't even seen my OWN child yet. Then, there he was. A smile spread wide across his face and I was DONE. D-O-N-E, DONE! Trying to discretely swipe at my eyes while a sea of purple gowns and mortar caps filed into pews in front of us. Holy moly guys. 18 years ago I was terrified. Pregnant, young, unmarried, and absolutely, positively scared out of my mind. All I knew is that I was NOT going to become a statistic. I was going to make a life for my baby and "show them all" that I would be different. I would get my college degree. I would support my baby and myself if I needed. I would raise this baby up with a life that belied everything that the word "teen mom" connote...

Holy Guacamole. (Alternately Titled: I Don't Know How to Throw a Grad Party)

In less than one month, I will open my home to oodles of people in honor of my biggest boy's graduation from high school. While that all sounds highly thrilling and unbelievably exciting I've gotta level with you: A party planner I am NOT. I do you plan for food? How do know how many people will come to your "Open House"? Will anyone come? Will they ALL come? Who even invented open houses, anyway?  And, HAVE YOU SEEN PINTEREST? I mean COME ON. Why's there always gotta be a mom out there who "out moms" us all and makes the rest of us mere mortals look like total schleps? Do we all have to eat off tin plates and sit on straw bales whilst we sip from apropos colored paper straws stuck in kitschy cute mason jar mugs? What happened to the respect for the Solo cup? Did it die with What's-His-Name's catchy song? I mean, Red Solo cup, I WILL lift you up...and then I'll promptly toss you in the trash and throw you to the curb, a...

14 Days

Today marks 14 days left until I am officially on summer vacation!! I cannot even begin to explain the happiness that makes my heart leap when I think about the time, spread out before me, to spend with those who mean the most to me! 'Course, we'll be smack dab in the midst of a home overhaul, but I'm choosing to look at that like an adventure. I mean...what other choice do I have, right? ;) To top it off, my baby bro comes home from dental school for a month in June. I see a lot of beach time and sunshine in my life soon! The kids are counting down the days. My biggest boy is 10...TEN!!!...days away from his high school graduation. For real, people, HOW did this happen? How can my baby be old enough to graduate from high school and begin the BIG steps toward independence? Hold me. Now, we need to get this weather to start cooperating...two years ago, the kids jumped in the river on Mother's Day...last year we had sunshine and buds on the trees...this year, I wo...

Mother's Day Blessings

My life's greatest blessings are the 5 miracles that've been placed in my charge and the amazing man at my side to help me parent them. I know every mom says it, but when I look at my kids, I am absolutely awestruck that they are mine. And my heart is totally and completely filled with love. I am so honored to be the mama to 5 such amazing children. Sometimes I look at them and wonder, "What did I do to deserve them?!", God has blessed me in ways I never thought possible. Today was perfect. Woke up to coffee (just the way I like it) from the Mr., gifts and cards and hugs and "Happy Mother's Day!!" from my babies. Spent the whole day with the ones I love most at my side. As we get ready for (a late) bedtime, I am, once again, struck by the wonder and beauty of the blessing of being a mom. My big brother once told me I was "born to be a mom" and honestly, you couldn't give me a better compliment. Motherhood is my passion. My joy. My pri...

Remodeling, The Prequel...Part Deux.

Had some good tips, insights and words of wisdom from last week's post (thank you, Aunt Gloria!)...still not totally set on some things, but REALLY wanting to make sure we "do it right". This is gonna be a "one shot deal" remodeling in the future, this is it! That's a lotta pressure on a girl. Anyway, needing some more thoughts. We have one bid from a custom cabinet guy that we've worked with before and LOVE his work. We're 90% sure we're going to go with him, but just to cover our bases, we decided to take our layout to Home Depot and see how comparable prices/features were. Just yesterday, we received the mock-up of our new kitchen and guys? I nearly died. I am SO excited to see this come to fruition, I can hardly stand it! I am totally consumed with "remodeling" thoughts and I'm pretty sure EVERYONE around me is getting sick of me asking them for their input. (Sorry family!) Here's what we're contemplati...