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The 4th Annual "Mr. Wonderfulest" Contest! Official Entry Post (Winner Announced!!)

UPDATE: Wow, friends, were their some amazing entries! I am so grateful for the "Like" option, because I'm not sure I could've chosen on my own!! It was close between our top two "Like" earners right from the start, Love {&} Bugs and Boy Oh Boy Oh Boy...but Love {&} Bugs is the "official" winner with 278 "Likes"!!! 

Congrats, to you and your "Mr. Wonderfulest"! Contact me with your mailing info and I'll get your prize out to you ASAP!

Original Post:

Welcome friends, to the 4th Annual Mr. Wonderfulest Contest!

A contest that celebrates all the wonderful father's in our lives. Whether that wonderful man is your father, your husband, or just a really super dude in your life, he's eligible...even if he's still not here on earth with us.

I want to celebrate ALL dads...past and present...for their hard work and awesomeness!

Here are the "rules":

1. Enter your "Mr. Wonderfulest" by linking up a blog post you've written about him, via the linky list below.
2. If you don't have a blog, but still want to enter your "Mr. Wonderful", please feel free to enter him by writing your "nomination" in the comments below.
3. After you've linked your post (if you need help with this, feel free to contact me, I'm happy to help!), call on friends and family and random strangers to "Like" your link below! (If you're submitting via a comment, get "votes" by having your friend/family/random strangers leave a "Reply" to your comment stating "Like!" and that'll count as your vote!)
4. Next Sunday, June 24th, I will close the voting and comments at 10 pm CST and determine whom has the most votes...if that post isn't a weird post about your cat (Father's here, people), then your Mr. Wonderful will be crowned the 2012 "Mr. Wonderfulest"!
5. The winner will score a $100 Visa gift card, sponsored by no one else but little ol' me!

Looking forward to meeting your "Mr. Wonderful's..."

May the best, "Mr. Wonderful" win!
Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.


  1. I tried to like Mr Wonderful at Love & Bugs but all that happened was the page refreshed. The like counter didn't go up. :(


    1. I have an email in to the Linky Tools guy to check on this...I was able to get the "like" feature to work on my end (yes, I will like them all...except I don't know who linked the contest wasn't me!!). I'll let you know what I hear!

  2. I have a few friends who are saying they are unable to "like" my post too. :(

  3. Just an FYI, I'm waiting to hear from the Linky Tools peeps about the "Like" glitch...I also don't like that the page reloads when you click "Like"! I'll inquire about that, as well!

  4. I linked up my blog above, (My Real Life) but wanted to write that the post I linked above was just one of the many I've posted about my Mr. Wonderful. My blog is about my amazing family, but it must be said again and again and again and again that I could not be a full-time working mama of 4 and still be so happy and centered and calm without my Real Man (as I call him). He is the backbone of the family and is my partner in life, in crime, in everything. He is truly Mr. Wonderful!

  5. I do not have a blog, so I will post my "Mr. Wonderfullest" here!

    Ten years ago, almost to the day, I married my best friend. He has been the answer to all my hopes and dreams, and I love him dearly!

    In those 10 years, he has become the daddy to seven children - six with us and one in heaven. He is absoutely awesome with them and they all mean the world to him!

    Like most good husbands and fathers, he takes his responsibility of providing for them very seriously, and with six kids to care for making ends worries him at times!

    Then, about four and a half months ago, a friend from church got a serious illness, and had to have an extended stay in a hospital two hours away and his wife needed to be with him a good chunk of the time. I knew in my heart we needed to take in their girls (ages 9, 7 and 3) so the oldest two could continue going to school. I told my Mr. Wonderful what I wanted to do, and he didn't hesitate. Sure, he was worried about how we were going to take care of them, but we both believed that God would provide, and he did!

    For the last four months, he has treated those girls as his own, and last week, when God called their Daddy home to heaven, he hugged them and cried, hurting for them as if they were his own. Then he turned to his own kids and made sure they knew how much he loved them. For the past four and a half months, he has made it a point for our kids to understand that those three girls were family and they needed us. Under his guidance, they rose to the occasion!

    My kids and I are so blessed to have a husband and daddy like him!


    1. I am sorry I did the wrong one but I still like this.

  6. Hey, I accidentally entered the wrong link so I had to post it twice, can you delete the link for #11. Thanks!

  7. Thank you so much!! I sent you an email :-)


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