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Five Question Friday!! 11/11/11

"Eleven-eleven-eleven"...kind of a cool date, huh?

Today is the day I will tell K. about her being a "Heroic Mom" and winning the prize. Wow. I still am on cloud 9 knowing that I am handing a sizable chunk of money over to a incredibly deserving woman.

Makes me a little misty eyed.

Okay, before I turn into a blubbery, slobbery mess on you, let's just jump to Five Question Friday!

Welcome to Five Question Friday! Your opportunity to answer silly questions about yourself and, also, a fabulous post if your muses have jumped ship and taken the oars with them.

Rules for 5QF: Copy and paste the following questions to your blog post, answer them, then watch for the linky post (the post with my answers) to appear Friday morning and link up! Feel free to play along on Twitter (or Facebook?) also!

Questions for Friday, "eleven eleven eleven" (Special thanks to @Lovely_Lici,@MrsKateMarie, @trooppetrie, @emilywickham, and @mom2xover2002 for their question suggestions! I'd love to link you in a future 5QF, so jump over to my community and offer up your best question suggestions...or, watch for my twitter shout out on Thursday afternoons! Just remember to @5crookedhalos me and use hashtag #5QF!)

1. What's the last thing you spent too much money on?

2. What celeb chef would you want to make you dinner?

3. Where do you hide things when visitors pop over or do you let them see the real deal?

4. Who is your oldest living family member?

5. What is your favorite DQ treat and/or Sonic drink combo (ie: cherry vanilla Dr. Pepper)?


1. What's the last thing you spent too much money on?

Well...that would most definitely be my girlfriend, "Siri".

Yeah, that sweet little phone with the fairy named "Siri" that lives inside it was most definitely a "want" turned into a "need" justifiable by the glitchy-ness of my old phone but un-justifiable by the fact that DUDE. IT'S A CELL PHONE.

Mama...ain't no "need" involved anywhere in that.

So, yeah...I spent too much money on that.

(BUT!! I'd totally do it again.)

2. What celeb chef would you want to make you dinner?

Oh, wow!! Um...gosh, this is hard. I don't really know of a ton any more.

Rachel Ray? 'Cuz I totally think she'd be a blast to hang out with.

Or or...Guy Fieri! Talk about fun! But wait...does he even cook? Or does he just eat?

You know, let me digress for a bit here. Let's talk about something. I want Guy's job. Tour the country eating the most incredible (bad for you) food out there? Oh my word. THAT is a job for me.


Okay, back to the question.

WAIT! P-DUB!! I would love to have her cook me dinner! She would also be fun to hang with AND she totally makes my kind of food.

So, yes...The Pioneer Woman it is.

3. Where do you hide things when visitors pop over or do you let them see the real deal?

Are you implying that my home isn't spic and span 24/7? 'Cuz it totally is.

The King and Queen of England could stop over and nary a single feather on my person would be ruffled (save for the ones that get messed up while I'm trying to sneak a peek to see if they brought Harry along!). ;)

Argh. FINE. Okay, YES. I hide things. Typically...unfortunately...our bedroom becomes a catch all. BUT most people that come over are people that know the real me. People I don't have to pretend to be Little Susie Homemaker around.

With that said, I guess I could use a smidgen of Little Susie Homemaker (LSH) every know and then. Like, say, once a week. Yeah. Once a week my LSH personality could come out, go to town on the house, then leave and I'd be back to myself.

Sounds great, now...where do I sign?

4. Who is your oldest living family member?

You know...this is terrible. I'm not entirely sure. I can't remember if my great-uncle is older than my grandpa or if my paternal grandma is older than my maternal grandpa.

I *think* it's my paternal grandma. I know my maternal grandpa (this gramp) is 81 and my maternal gram is younger than him, and I'm pretty sure than my paternal gram is just *slightly* older than my gramp.

That's my story and I'm stickin' to it.

5. What is your favorite DQ treat and/or Sonic drink combo (ie: cherry vanilla dr. pepper)?

Did someone say "Sonic"? Holy smokes could I go for some chili cheese tots right now...but, since the nearest Sonic isn't just a little jaunt away, it'll hafta wait.

My favorite drink at Sonic? A Cherry Limeade. Yuuuuuuuuum.

My favorite DQ treat? A mini "German Chocolate Brownie" Blizzard. So perfectly delicious. And those "mini" blizzards? Amen to the person who thought those up!


I'll keep you posted about when I tell K. about the prize! Hope you all have a fabulous weekend...this weekend I get to go with mine Mama and mine *almost* sister on our annual "Christmas Shopping Kickoff" night! Looking forward to it!
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  1. Congrats on winning the Heroic Mom award for your SIL. That is so awesome!!!!

  2. Congrats on your award! :) Newest follower via GFC and hope you'll follow me back!

    Look forward to reading more about you and your family!


  3. Congrats on winning! That is so wonderful!


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