"Schoooooooool's out for sumMER!!"
Yippee!!! Today is the first official full day of summer vacation for my kiddos! No alarm clocks to wake up to, no lunches to make, no last minute "mom I need this signed!!!", no naps to interrupt for after school pickup...
Ahhhhhh...I LOVE it! I love having my kids around (most of the time), if I had more patience and even just the slightest clue on how to teach, I would maybe consider homeschooling. It sounds so dreamy to me! (Homeschooling moms, feel free to correct me on my "dreaminess" if need be!)
But...at any rate...I've got seeds to plant and life to get in order so we can REALLY enjoy summer this year! So...onto 5QF!
If you've never played Five Question Friday before...where have you been all my life?! You are gonna like it if you play along...I promise!
Here's your deets:
Rules for Five Question Friday: Copy and paste the following questions to your blog. Answer them, then c'mon back to link up! I would love it if you'd link back to me, Mama M., but that's not a requirement!
If you don't have a blog, but still would like to play along, feel free to leave your answers in the comments of this post or any blog along the blog hop way!
Oh, and the biggest rule? Have fun!! ;)
Questions for Friday, June 4th: (Special thanks to Erin, Kate, Erica, Renee, and another question from my deck of random question cards!! Wanna be linked in a future 5QF? Head right on over here, to my community, and offer up your best question suggestions! We need some fresh questions over there...things are really getting picked over!)
1. If you could go back to college would you change your major? Or, if you were to go to college right now...what major would you choose?
2. What do you love most about your home?
3. What types of books do you like to read (if you like to read at all)?
4. What is the grossest thing you've ever eaten?
5. If you HAD to be a character on a TV show, whom would you be?
1. If you could go back to college would you change your major? Or, if you were to go to college right now...what major would you choose?
You know...I think about this a lot. On the one hand, I really love my career.
I LOVE that I get to help women out in such a momentous time in their lives. I love labor and delivery and everything to do with babies.
The hours kinda stink. Well...maybe not so much the hours, but the weekends and holidays away from my family.
That bites.
It's this time of the year that makes me wish I would've been a teacher. Every weekend off, long holidays with my family, and all. stinkin'. summer. OFF!
If I had to go back and change my major...I would seriously think about Engineering.
No, no, no...not the "choo-choo" Engineering, but you know, like, mechanical stuff. 'Cept I suck at math.
But, I love to figure things out. So, I think that would be kinda cool.
I think.
Engineers don't hafta work weekends and holidays, do they? 'Cuz if they do?
I'm soooo not into Engineering.
Sooooooo not.
2. What do you love most about your home?
Hmmmm...wondering how to answer this. Currently...there's not a whole lot I like about my home.
My first thought was "the location". We have 8 acres, a HUGE yard, a small pond, and a very private setting. I love it.
But, that's not really about my "home" is it?
I'm gonna go with our fireplaces. Our home was built in the 70's and it screams "HELLO 1970!!"...very similar to how Robin Williams says "Good Morning Vietnam!!"
So, yeah. I'm stickin' with our fireplaces...however, they are the very thing that gets in the way (literally) whenever I think about remodeling. Which I'd love to do.
If only I were rich.
But, they make for very cozy holidays and warm, fuzzy family game nights!
3. What types of books do you like to read (if you like to read at all)?
I am a Brit/Chick lit girl to the max! You give me a Shopaholic series and I am all gums!
I love British humor and British talk! In fact...I would love to be British sometimes...if only for the accent and the connection to Prince Harry. (Who is, by far, the handsomer prince. Do NOT disagree with me...or else. Harry is the best. Amen.)
I'm currently reading the Something Borrowed/Something Blue and re-discovering my love for reading! I kind of shoved it aside when I started blogging...but I love getting lost in a book.
Just reading and reading and not coming up for air until 4am, you know?!
Or...wait. Am I the only one that does that?
4. What is the grossest thing you've ever eaten?
Once upon a time...at the tender age of less than twelve ('cuz that's how old I was when I moved away from our first house) we had some kickin' neighbors.
You might remember...I nearly drowned her in our pool wrapped in a blanket?
But really, we got along great! Their dad was a hunter, and one day he brought over a hunk of delicous smelling steamy hot meat.
Told us we just had to try it. I took a bite and it was phenomenal! Melt in your mouth tender...delicious.
Until I found out what it was!!
Anybody have a guess?
It was deer heart. I was eating, savoring, LOVING the heart of a deer.
*gag* *barf* *puke* *gag *puke some more* *gag* It was suddenly the most vile, disgusting, nasty thing I have ever eaten.
Still makes me nauseaous thinking about it. *shudder*
5. If you HAD to be a character on a TV show, whom would you be?
Ahhh...the lovely deck of random question cards! This one really made me think! We're not TV watchers here...we watch our fair share of movies, but see answer #2, we live in the boonies.
A technological black hole.
No cable...we could get dish, but we don't. We've never missed it enough to get it, and besides...I turn into a crappy wife and mom when I have marathon editions of TLC's Baby Story to watch, or Extreme Home Makeover.
You could stand in front of me jumping up and down and waving a brand new pair of shoes in front of my face and I wouldn't notice you...I get zombieish...and my husband?
He gets comatose.
So, it's better this way. This "TV-less" way of ours!
But...since we watch some TV series on DVD...I'm gonna go with Carrie Bradshaw from Sex in the City! Girl's got style, a teeny tiny waist, to die for hair, and a killer job.
Yeah...definitely Carrie!
I hope you all have a fantabulous weekend! It's a low key one for me! Lunch and a pedi with my bestie tomorrow!! What more could a girl ask for?!
Oh, and stay tuned...I'm going to be hosting the "2nd Annual Mr. Wonderfulest Contest" for Father's Day! More details to come!!

Yes, I totally get lost in books and don't come up for air! Love when I find a book that is that good.
ReplyDeleteI totally need your cozy fireplaces in my homey home. ;-)
I LOVE Emily Giffin novels!! I wrote about them for my answer, too!! Ive read the first four of her books, and can't wait to read the one that just came out!
ReplyDeleteAnd I also love fireplaces! So warm & cozy in the winter!
i JUST read something blue by emily giffin and really enjoyed it! Reading her others now too :)
ReplyDeletemy dad is a mechanical engineer & has been my whole life - & he never worked nights or weekends or holidays. Maybe like 5 times. in 33years. :) NOT that i think you should change careers b/c i'm sure you're an awesome nurse... but i would hate those hours!
ReplyDelete& i love to read too! The shopoholic series & emily giffin are my favorites! But who do i like even better? Marian Keyes! You should check her out! She is british too!
So jealous you are on vacay! We still have two more weeks! UGH! :) Happy Friday and Happy Summer to you!
ReplyDeleteGreat questions!! :) I participated...
ReplyDeleteOMG I LOVE the Shopaholic series... and basically anything by Sophie Kinsella!
ReplyDeleteI get totally lost in books too and I've been known to stay up way toooo late reading!
ReplyDeleteAnd yew deer heart! That is gross!
Thanks as always - I love 5QF!
Ah, Carrie Bradshaw of course. That's a good one. I used to love chicken hearts as a kid but now the thought of eating one makes me a little (no, a lot) queasy.
ReplyDeleteMy husband is an engineer, and whenever I (also an RN:) ask about his day at work just to be polite and wife-like, I seriously don't get the majority of what he is talking about. And I really don't care to learn either;) So, I wouldn't recommend it. Babies and screaming moms are much more interesting.
ReplyDeleteI'll think of some questions...:) Looking forward to your Fathers' Day deal! Have a great weekend!
I had deer meat snuck in on me once. It wasn't the heart (OMG that is just NASTY), but I still didn't realize I was eating Bambi. I think I cried after my dad told me what it was.
ReplyDeleteEnjoy your summer! My mom was a teacher and always had time off, but she certainly put in nights and weekends grading papers, talking to parents, etc. So the hours probably aren't all that great.
I am so jealous that you have 8 acres, but not that you don't have TV... I would shrivel up into a little ball and die without my TV.
ReplyDeleteIn other news... I'm an engineer, and we don't have to work too many weekends, if we're working on a holiday then something went very wrong...
I just finished Twenties Girl, and it is absolutely Sophie Kinsella's best book. You should read it if you haven't yet!
ReplyDeleteGreat blog... I am now following and looking forward to reading some of your future posts. Feel free to follow back if you like!
ReplyDeleteAll the best,
I love anything Anglophile, as well. I keep telling my husband that I might have been born in the wrong country (not that I'm not patriotic - totally not that), I just feel "British" some days. I love me some Brit Coms on PBS on Saturday nights.
ReplyDeleteGreat blog!
I think this is a great exercise :) something else to look forward to next friday I suppose
ReplyDeleteHave a good weekend
Deer heart?
ReplyDeleteGrody to the max.
I love Something Borrowed/ Something Blue! I just got her new book, but I'm saving it for an airplane ride next week. I just want to start it!
ReplyDeleteI read until all hours of the night or I wake up from insomnia and read...Also I have eaten cow heart GAG!
ReplyDeleteEwww, deer hearts. I love this blog hop & may just need to join one week!
ReplyDeleteMaldives, considered the smallest county in Asia, is the lowest laying country on Earth ,all around the see ,rich ion culture and people enjoy fully here.
maldives holidays
I don't know that author but I'm going to find Something Borrowed Something Blue at the library, looks like a good read!
ReplyDeleteCarrie was a good pick, I LOVE the fashion side of her but probably couldn't deal with the man drama, lol.
Thanks for hosting my fave blog hop!
I stay up until the wee hours of the morning reading, too. ;)