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2nd Annual Mr. Wonderfulest Contest!!!

Welcome, everyone, to the 2nd Annual Mr. Wonderfulest Contest! I am so exited to "meet" and read all about YOUR Mr. Wonderfuls!!

This contest was derived from my observation of tons of "mommy blog" profiles that spoke so highly of their spouse or significant other. Last year, as a fledgling blogger, and in honor of Father's Day, I hosted my very first Mr. Wonderfulest Contest.

Nine people linked up...and I was totally overjoyed! I LOVED reading their stories and getting to know the "silent half" of we mommy bloggers! When Father's Day appeared on my radar this year, I just KNEW I had to do this again. it is!

Mr. Wonderfulest Contest Rules: Write (or vlog) a blog post about why you think YOUR Mr. Wonderful should be 2010's Mr. Wonderfulest, then come back here and link up your post! If you don't have a blog, feel free to leave your "entry" in the comments below!

Remember, this doesn't have to be a can write about your dad or grandpa or brother or, heck, even your favorite Uncle Louie!

I will leave the linky open until Monday morning...and then I'll have my work cut out for me. Like I mentioned "" will suffice for this style of'll just be me, my 'puter, some Mr. Wonderfulest posts, and a whole lotta coffee!

Oh...and the prize?!!

A Visa gift card...

In the amount of $75 bucks!'s my Mr. Wonderfulest post!


Is my Mr. Wonderful. The man who swept me off my feet with his quiet humor, his gorgeous smile, and his kind ways. He romanced me with Starburst trails, potted weeds (and that's plural weedS, guys...not WEED), and steady heart.

He welcomed my first little man with open arms and blessed me with 4 more amazing children, to whom he is an incredible father. And, by incredible, I mean a fabulous example of a man. Camping outside, Boudary Waters trips, fort building, bon fire making, work ethic teaching, loving. He is one of a kind.

And, he is all mine.

He let's me scare He doesn't get mad when I scare him...even when I do it 73 times a day. He enjoys my cooking, tells me he loves me, complains when I call him 18 times an hour, and complains even louder when I don't call him 18 times an hour.

A staunch Rebuplican, he is...not afraid to stand up for his values, yet respectful when people disagree with him. He is strong and unwaivering in his faith, helping those around him to strengthen their relationship with God.

He is strong. And handsome. And kind. And hot. And smart. And gorgeous. And ambitious. And incredibly good looking. Oh, and did I mention that he's a babe? (WARNING!! Pioneer Womanish photo to follow!!!)

He is my Mr. Wonderful...and he is my everything.

I LOVE YOU, HON! Happy Father's Day!

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  1. It's been a bit since I have commented...but I just wanted to wish you all a very special Father's day!
    What a great post of your Mr. Wonderful and great idea :o)

    Blessings & Aloha!
    (It still takes me forever to get a post together, so if I can get one post a week up...that is amazing. I love your ideas! I was able to join in with your fun Valentine's extravaganza in Feb (thank goodness, I had some time off from work around that time!)

  2. What an excellent tribute to your man - butt shot and all!

  3. Thanks for hosting this, it was a great way to pay tribute to my Mr. Wonderful! Can't wait to surprise my husband, this is his "card" this year. :)

  4. Um...that last photo. Hello Mr. Wonderful (but not in a creepy-stalker-steal-your-man kind of way!)

    Love your tribute and congrats for snagging such a great man.

  5. What a wonderful tribute to your Mr. Wonderful! Good luck judging ... I've read some of the entries and they are really good :-)

    Thanks for hosting!

  6. Love your post to you hubby!

    You are going to feel like an English teacher, grading term papers or something!! Good luck!

  7. Thanks for hosting this contest! I've really enjoyed reading the entries! =)

  8. Bwahahaa!! I totally love that you posted a pic of his hiney! This post is a great tribute, he does sound wonderful! :)

  9. Great post!! :) And have fun reading :)

  10. These are my munchkins. They are the reason that I wrote about my husband for your Mr. Wonderfulest contest.

  11. All these dang posts are making me teary! I just love hearing about all these dads who live for their kids! So heart warming.

  12. Sorry about entering twice! :-) I'd like to blame it on my computer, but it's more likely my computer skills that are the problem. I loved reading everyone's entries!

  13. Okay is it weird that your husband looks like the younger version of Kelle Hampton's hubby? lol. That was my first thought!


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