Happy Friday, 5QF'ers!

I'm writing this post from my Gram and Gramp's house 'cuz our internet is all wonky after I neglected to realize that my ATM card that got eaten last month was responsible for the payment for our internet service and now it seems to be stuck in some sort of non-working abyss.
Anyway, it's time for my 3 day weekend at work...a birthday party for Belle is planned for Sunday. I think she's a wee bit excited. Just a wee.
Okay, here is your friendly reminder that this post is NOT the link up post for Five Question Friday. This is simply just a sneak peek of the questions so you can get your blog post all ready to go for tomorrow's link up!
Rules for 5QF: Copy and paste the following questions to your blog post, answer them, then watch for the linky post to appear Friday morning! And most importantly, HAVE FUN!!
Questions for Friday, September 16th: (Special thanks to @Lovely_Lici, @kneatfreak, @gasfamily, @trooppetrie, and Lora for their question suggestions! I would LOVE you for ever and ever amen if you would offer up any question suggestions for me over at my community...and I'll be sure to link you up in a future 5QF! You can also watch for my Twitter shout out for questions on Thursdays and offer up your best questions that way, also! Just remember to @5crookedhalos me and use hashtag #5QF!)
1. If you had a weekly newspaper column, what would you name it?
2. Who is your mentor/inspiration?
3. What is your wake up beverage of choice?
4. Would you wear your mom's clothes?
5. When you were a kid, did you put posters on your wall? If so, what were they of?
Okay, there you have it! See you right back here bright and early in the morning!

I'm writing this post from my Gram and Gramp's house 'cuz our internet is all wonky after I neglected to realize that my ATM card that got eaten last month was responsible for the payment for our internet service and now it seems to be stuck in some sort of non-working abyss.
Anyway, it's time for my 3 day weekend at work...a birthday party for Belle is planned for Sunday. I think she's a wee bit excited. Just a wee.
Okay, here is your friendly reminder that this post is NOT the link up post for Five Question Friday. This is simply just a sneak peek of the questions so you can get your blog post all ready to go for tomorrow's link up!
Rules for 5QF: Copy and paste the following questions to your blog post, answer them, then watch for the linky post to appear Friday morning! And most importantly, HAVE FUN!!
Questions for Friday, September 16th: (Special thanks to @Lovely_Lici, @kneatfreak, @gasfamily, @trooppetrie, and Lora for their question suggestions! I would LOVE you for ever and ever amen if you would offer up any question suggestions for me over at my community...and I'll be sure to link you up in a future 5QF! You can also watch for my Twitter shout out for questions on Thursdays and offer up your best questions that way, also! Just remember to @5crookedhalos me and use hashtag #5QF!)
1. If you had a weekly newspaper column, what would you name it?
2. Who is your mentor/inspiration?
3. What is your wake up beverage of choice?
4. Would you wear your mom's clothes?
5. When you were a kid, did you put posters on your wall? If so, what were they of?
Okay, there you have it! See you right back here bright and early in the morning!

I do have a blog :)