Labor Day Weekend...always greeted with equal amounts joy (long weekend) and despair (end of summer). Our kiddos start school on Tuesday, and hence, begins the return to the waking at the butt crack of dawn.
I loathe the butt crack of dawn.
Anyway, it's time for the Five Question Friday Sneak Peek! This post is just your chance to get the questions ahead of time and get your blog post all ready for when the linky post goes live Friday morning!
Reminder: I leave the linky open until Sunday to be certain to allow time for all of you "stragglers" a chance to link up!
Rules for 5QF: Copy and paste the following questions to your blog post, answer them, then watch for the linky post appear Friday morning and LINK UP! Most importantly...HAVE FUN!!
Questions for Friday, September 1st (SEPTEMBER?!?!?!?! What on earth happened to August?): (Special thanks to @KatieB38, @MarandaLamping, Lora, Sandy, and @trooppetrie for their question suggestions! I would love to link YOU in a future 5QF...just c'mon over to my community or watch for my Thursday shout out for question suggestions on Twitter! If goin' the Twitter route, be sure to @5crookedhalos me and use hashtag #5QF!)
1. Shoes in the house - yay or nay?
2. What do you call them- flip flops, slippers, thongs, etc?
3. What song are you almost embarrassed to admit you know all the lyrics to?
4. What is the best quality to have in a friend?
5. Do you know what you want for Christmas?
Okay my friends...I'll see you in the morning! (We're off to look at some bathroom remodeling stuff. Tile, tubs, sinks, etc. Wish us luck!)

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