Happy almost Memorial Day weekend!!!
I am so looking forward to this long weekend! Then, just a few more days of school and summer VACAY! Wooo hooo!!!
Time for our Thursday Night Five Question Friday Sneak Peek!!
Remember...this is your peek at the questions...the linky will be up tomorrow morning! Perhaps, I'll even try to vlog it.
But, I'm not promisin' nuthin'!
Rules for Five Question Friday: Copy and paste the following questions to your blog post, answer them, then c'mon back to link up! If it floats your boat, you can even grab the blog hop code! I would love it if you'd link back to me, Mama M., but that's not a requirement! ;)
If you don't have a blog, but want to play along...feel free to answer the questions in the comments of my blog, or any blog along the way! And remember, the linky is always open til Sunday night...so any of you who are late to the game, can still play along! (Aren't I thoughtful?!!)
Questions for Friday, May 28th: (Special thanks to Lorilynne, Erin, Sandy, Kyrsten, and Renee for their question suggestions! If YOU wanna be linked in a future 5QF, c'mon over here, to my community and offer up your best question suggestions!)
1. Is there something you've always wanted to try but just can't muster up the courage to actually do yet?
2. If you had $100 handed to you in cash without your significant other knowing about it, what would you spend it on?
3. What was your favorite piece of playground equipment as a child?
4. Do you prefer a sweet or hearty breakfast?
5. Are you a Neat Freak or a Messy Bessy?
So, there they are! See y'all bright and early with the linky! (And, I promise it will be earlier than last week's!)

Great questions today :-)
ReplyDeleteOh and thank you for choosing one of my questions *smile* So I NEED to join in today... *g*
This is my first posting for 5 Question Friday and it is here