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Rewarding Awarding!



Well, I just...

I don't...

Aw,, I'm just speechless!

I have had one heck of a rewarding terms of bloggy love!

I'd like to thank The Academy the following for thinkin' I'm cool enough to toss an award to:

Megan, Keely, and Helga

For awarding me this:

And the rules? Which, of course, you all know I'm gonna break, 'cuz:
1. I'm lazy like that

2. Rules are made for breakin'!

Okay, so, back to the they are:

* Display the award logo.

* Nominate up to 9 blogs that make you feel comfy or warm inside.
* Link to your nominees.
* Let them know they have been nominated by commenting
* Link to the person from whom you received the award.

First things first...there's no way in heck I'm gonna nominate 9!! Again, 'sup wit dat?!!! What ever happened to easy instructions, like...give this to one person? Anyway, enough of my crabby, exhausted rambling...

And, the nomination(s) goes to...(insert drumroll here...)

( know...wouldn't it be hilarious if I nominated some big time bloggers? The Pioneer Woman? MckMama? Dooce? HA!! Makes me giggle just thinking about it!)

Anywho...(um...I'm totally stalling! I have a ton of people I could nominate...but, I've already nominated them like a bazillion times or I see they've already been nominated!)...okay, so I pick:




Yup...that's it...a third isn't too it? (*closes eyes and chants*...please say it's okay, please say it's okay, please say it's okay...) up...the Lemonade Stand Award! From sweet Brianne! Thank you, my dear!!

- Put the Lemonade logo on your blog or within your post.
- Nominate at least 10 blogs with great attitude or gratitude.
- Link the nominees within your post.
- Let the nominees know they have received this award by commenting on their blog.
- Share the love and link to the person from whom you received this award.

BAH!! 10 nominees?!?!?!?!?! Sheesh...I can't even get to nine, much less ten, and the two put together? 19?!!! (Hmmm...maybe I can help my second grader with her math, afterall!!!)

Listen to me...I sound like an ungrateful little whiner. I'm sorry.

I really am grateful that people take the time to nominate me!! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!

And, now...I pass this on to:

...who's fitness attitude inspires me to get in shape and get off my bum. (I know you just got this one...I absolve you from any and all responsibility of award acceptance. Amen.)

Crayon Wrangler
...who cracks me up on a daily basis.

Kate...whose cake balls are worth looking at, even if she's old. ;)


...who seems like such a wonderful, caring, compassionate, mama and who is a great advocate for her beautiful Belli!!

Love you gals!

The end.

And, PS--I absolve all y'all of any and all award responsibility! :) I'm kind of a radical that way.


  1. Awww..shucks!! Thanks!! I'm off to tend to a crying baby..and do not get to go to bed..yet..ergh!

  2. Congratulations on the awards!!! :) They're so fun!

  3. congrats on the awards and thank you so much for thinking of me and nominating me. I greatly appreciaite it.

  4. Thank you, Mama M! You just brightened my day... seriously!! Thanks.



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