Yesterday, my oldest boy celebrated his Golden Birthday. 17. SEVENTEEN!!!
Well, for one, he can now go see rated R movies, or buy them or rent them. But, you guys, in one year he is officially going to be an adult! Legally, anyway...those of us who have made it beyond 18 know that at 18 we were, really, no where close to being an adult.
Anyway, this kid? He blows me away. He was thrown into a less than ideal situation with unwed, teenage parents and has thrived. Totally and completely grown into an amazing young man.
He is responsible, dependable (except when it comes to putting his clothes away), reliable and kind.
Not to mention wicked smart, incredibly handsome and an amazing athlete. All of which, of course, he gets from me. (Inside joke...I like to tell him he got all of his athletic skills from me, the most uncoordinated person on the planet.)
This kid is gonna go places in life. He's going to make a name for himself and find successes beyond anything I could've ever hoped for him.
I am so proud to be his mom and I can't wait to see what he does in life!
Happy Birthday, sweet boy...I love you so much, kiddo!
Well, for one, he can now go see rated R movies, or buy them or rent them. But, you guys, in one year he is officially going to be an adult! Legally, anyway...those of us who have made it beyond 18 know that at 18 we were, really, no where close to being an adult.
Anyway, this kid? He blows me away. He was thrown into a less than ideal situation with unwed, teenage parents and has thrived. Totally and completely grown into an amazing young man.
He is responsible, dependable (except when it comes to putting his clothes away), reliable and kind.
Not to mention wicked smart, incredibly handsome and an amazing athlete. All of which, of course, he gets from me. (Inside joke...I like to tell him he got all of his athletic skills from me, the most uncoordinated person on the planet.)
This kid is gonna go places in life. He's going to make a name for himself and find successes beyond anything I could've ever hoped for him.
I am so proud to be his mom and I can't wait to see what he does in life!
Happy Birthday, sweet boy...I love you so much, kiddo!

They grow up fast. I'm thankful I have another 10 more years before I get to this point. I'm not ready for them to grow up yet.