You know, when Gram suggested Dorothy's Danish (Dorothy was an old neighbor) for this week's recipe, I wasn't really quite sure what to expect...I'd never had it before and the name sounds, well, a bit "meh".
Also, let it be known that several times during the making of Dorothy's Danish I was all, "Huh? I've never heard of such a thing." in reference to boiling things together that I'd never boiled together, but then came the addition of almond extract and all was right with the world again.
I never question anything that contains almond extract.
So, let's begin. This is easy and quick (and kind of weird) but needs an hour for baking plus time to prepare for that!
First up, add some flour to softened butter:
Then some water: (See? Water? I told you it was weird.)
Plop it on a baking pan and divide it precisely in two. Or, you know, not so precisely.
Reach way down deep for your best childhood Playdoh memory and roll the dough halves into logs:
Next up, the crazy top. Boil water (more weirdness, all this water!!) and butter together:
Then add flour:
And *cue choirs of angels* almond extract.
Mix it all together until it's this weird, hot mushy mess of a concoction:
Now, more weirdness. Forever and ever, I was always instructed to never, ever, ever, no matter what you do, don't ever, for all that is good and holy with the world, EVER add raw eggs to hot mixtures lest you want them to scramble before your very eyes.
WARNING: More weirdness coming.
Ignore what you've been taught about raw eggs and hot mixtures and crack some raw eggs into the doughy stuff, stirring them in one at a time, and working quickly.
Eventually, all that slimy weirdness suddenly transforms into a thick, soft, mascarpone cheese looking stuff. (Gram tells me this is how cream puffs are made?) Take it and dividing it precisely into two exact (or not really) halves and spread it over the bottom crusts. It'll be a thick layer.
This photo shows you a good example of the doughy crust layer as compared to the crazy eggy layer.
Butter, of course:
A dash of salt:
More glorious almond extract:
And a very, very careful dizzle of milk:
By about now, your danishes will be beautifully risen and golden brown and smelling like Heaven.
Let them cool (they'll fall a bit, try not to cry), then drizzle on the frosting:
Sprinkle on pecans if desired:
And strategically place the cherries on top.
Now, slice it at an angle, just 'cuz that's prettier,
And serve it along with some coffee...or milk!
Gram's Dorothy Danish
Printable Recipe

1 c. flour
1/2 c. butter, softened
2 T. water
Mix together and divide into 2 parts. Pat into two 3" x 12" strips on ungreased cookie sheet.
1/2 c. butter, room temp
1 c. water
Bring to boil on stove top, then add:
1 c. flour
1 tsp almond extract
Mix well until smooth, then add:
3 eggs, beat in one at a time until mixed well and smooth.
Spread egg mixture equally on top of each crust "strip". Bake in 350*F oven for 60 minutes.
Remove from oven and cool. Frost with powdered sugar frosting (below amounts are approximate):
1 c. powdered sugar
1-2 T. softened butter
Dash of salt
1 tsp almond extract
1 tsp vanilla extract
Enough milk to make it drizzleable, be careful when adding milk, it gets thin quickly! Add in tsp additions until the right consistency.
When frosted, add bits of sliced maraschino cherries and chopped pecans if desired. I also think a nice, thick, cream style frosting would be amazing drizzled with chocolate!

Also, let it be known that several times during the making of Dorothy's Danish I was all, "Huh? I've never heard of such a thing." in reference to boiling things together that I'd never boiled together, but then came the addition of almond extract and all was right with the world again.
I never question anything that contains almond extract.
So, let's begin. This is easy and quick (and kind of weird) but needs an hour for baking plus time to prepare for that!
First up, add some flour to softened butter:
Then some water: (See? Water? I told you it was weird.)
Now, using a wisk or a fork or whatever is handy, mix your flour/butter/water (water? Huh?) mixture together until it's a nice, moist ball of dough.
Plop it on a baking pan and divide it precisely in two. Or, you know, not so precisely.
Reach way down deep for your best childhood Playdoh memory and roll the dough halves into logs:
Then pat each log into a uniform and incredibly precise 3" x 12" shape. Or, you know, not so precisely since ours were about 3 inches shy of 12. Oops.
Next up, the crazy top. Boil water (more weirdness, all this water!!) and butter together:
Then add flour:
And *cue choirs of angels* almond extract.
Mix it all together until it's this weird, hot mushy mess of a concoction:
Now, more weirdness. Forever and ever, I was always instructed to never, ever, ever, no matter what you do, don't ever, for all that is good and holy with the world, EVER add raw eggs to hot mixtures lest you want them to scramble before your very eyes.
WARNING: More weirdness coming.
Ignore what you've been taught about raw eggs and hot mixtures and crack some raw eggs into the doughy stuff, stirring them in one at a time, and working quickly.
Eventually, all that slimy weirdness suddenly transforms into a thick, soft, mascarpone cheese looking stuff. (Gram tells me this is how cream puffs are made?) Take it and dividing it precisely into two exact (or not really) halves and spread it over the bottom crusts. It'll be a thick layer.
This photo shows you a good example of the doughy crust layer as compared to the crazy eggy layer.
Now, pop these bad boys in the oven and wait forever (or approximately 60 minutes) for them to be done while somewhere around the 12 minute mark your home begins to smell tantalizingly like almond and tempts you to just reach into the oven and scarf the whole thing down before it's even cooked.
Or, distract yourself and mix up some powdered sugar frosting.
Powdered sugar:
Butter, of course:
A dash of salt:
More glorious almond extract:
And a very, very careful dizzle of milk:
Just enough to make it a drizzleable consistency:
Grab a few maraschino cherries and snip them into little tiny slices for decorating the danish with:
By about now, your danishes will be beautifully risen and golden brown and smelling like Heaven.
Let them cool (they'll fall a bit, try not to cry), then drizzle on the frosting:
Sprinkle on pecans if desired:
And strategically place the cherries on top.
Now, slice it at an angle, just 'cuz that's prettier,
And serve it along with some coffee...or milk!
Gram's Dorothy Danish
Printable Recipe

1 c. flour
1/2 c. butter, softened
2 T. water
Mix together and divide into 2 parts. Pat into two 3" x 12" strips on ungreased cookie sheet.
1/2 c. butter, room temp
1 c. water
Bring to boil on stove top, then add:
1 c. flour
1 tsp almond extract
Mix well until smooth, then add:
3 eggs, beat in one at a time until mixed well and smooth.
Spread egg mixture equally on top of each crust "strip". Bake in 350*F oven for 60 minutes.
Remove from oven and cool. Frost with powdered sugar frosting (below amounts are approximate):
1 c. powdered sugar
1-2 T. softened butter
Dash of salt
1 tsp almond extract
1 tsp vanilla extract
Enough milk to make it drizzleable, be careful when adding milk, it gets thin quickly! Add in tsp additions until the right consistency.
When frosted, add bits of sliced maraschino cherries and chopped pecans if desired. I also think a nice, thick, cream style frosting would be amazing drizzled with chocolate!

ReplyDeleteThis is my mom's recipe for coffee cake! (minus the cherries on top).
Is your mom's name Dorothy? ;) That's crazy! Maybe I should change the title to "Sandy's Mom's Danish"?
DeleteThis sounds wonderful. I have tried other recipes from your Grandmother that have been so tasty. I will be trying this soon. TFS