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In the Kitchen with Gram...Half-Baked Potatoes!

No, these are not "sorta stoned" potatoes. Nor are they partially cooked. They are, unarguably, the most delicious little potatoes you'll ever have in your whole ding dang life.

You can quote me on that.

Okay, I was going to try to tweet the recipe on Twitter and realized it was just too much trouble...the whole 140 characters bit.

So, here you go. This is a "Gram Original", so you can thank her for that...I just didn't cook them with her this time.'s something blogging via iPhone camera!

Grab your potatoes. You'll probably want to over-estimate the amount you'll need, otherwise you'll run out and your family will give you dirty looks because they want more of that magical deliciousness that you just served them.

Cut those bad boys in half length-wise:

Then, cut a cute little "star slit" in them (look closely to see the know, like an X with a line through it top to bottom):

Next, put them cut side up on a cookie sheet, put a big glob of butter on top, with a generous sprinkle of season salt:

And put them in a 450* oven for 10-15 minutes, then flip them, reduce heat to 375 and cook for another 45. I like to crank up the temp for a bit at the end...when the bottom side (cut side) is dark brown and crispy?

Choirs of angels will sing.

You will declare your undying love and gratitude of me.

You may even cry a few tears of total and utter bliss.

For the record, I used 12 potatoes tonight. And it wasn't nearly enough.

Gram's Half-Baked Potatoes
Printable Recipe

Season Salt

Cut potatoes in half lengthwise. Cut a "star slit" in each potato half. Place cut side up on baking sheet and top each half with a big dollop of butter (a pat, perhaps?) and a generous sprinkle of season salt. I don't have amounts because it will always vary on the # of potatoes and the size of the potato, but you'll want to "coat" each potato half with season salt. (See above photo.) Bake at 450* for 10-15 minutes, flip cut side down, reduce head to 375 and bake for 30 min. Or until bottoms are dark golden brown and crisp. You can bump the heat back up near the end of baking to really get the bottoms delicious!



  1. This sounds wonderful! I am definitely going to try it! It's perfect for a cold winter night!

  2. I needed something to go with dinner tonight and this blog post popped up. So, my potatoes are cut, buttered, sprinkled and ready to go in the oven. I let you know how the family likes them.

  3. They were a hit. We all enjoyed them.

    1. Yay!! So glad you liked them...they always go over so well over here! (PS...they're also really good left over...just eaten cold, straight from the fridge!)

  4. Those look divine. I am going to fix them tonight and surprise hubby since he has to work late. Even with my limited cooking abilities, I don't think even I could screw up such a recipe.

    1. You'll have to tell me how your husband liked them!

  5. Oh, yummy....I will definitely be trying them!!! Love me some taters!!!

  6. YUM!!! Just added to my Pinterest board :-) Can't wait to try them!

  7. I just love all your recipes ...thanks for sharing!

  8. What kind of seasoning salt do you use?

  9. I needed something to go with chicken last night and remembered your blog post! My 4 year old loved helping me make these (she washed the potatoes and put on the butter and seasoned salt) and my whole family really enjoyed the result. Thanks!


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