Holy busy day, batman! Just now getting home from work/hockey games/impromptu mini night out with my two best girls! (And dang! Aeropostale has some cute stuff right now!)

Anyway, straight to the questions!
Welcome to Five Question Friday!! You've come to the right place if you want a fun, easy post or if you've suddenly discovered your muses are just plain MIA.
Rules for 5QF: Copy and paste the following questions to your blog post, answer them, then watch for the linky post to appear Friday morning and LINK UP!
Oh, and remember (pay close attention...this is the important one)...HAVE FUN!
Questions for Friday, January 18th: (Special thanks to Courtney (@mom2xover2002) from Austim, ADHD and The Single Mom, Pam (@trooppetrie) from Troop Petrie, Adrienne (with a private Twitter account) and Kate, with 2 for the win! (@Katieb38) from Kate's Life for these 5QF question suggestions! I would love to link you in a future 5QF, so come on over to my community or watch for my Thursday afternoon shout out for questions on Twitter and offer up your best question suggestions! Remember to @5crookedhalos me and use hashtag #5QF if you go the Twitter route!)
1. If you were going to be stuck on a deserted island, which 5 books, movies, people and foods would you take along?

Anyway, straight to the questions!
Welcome to Five Question Friday!! You've come to the right place if you want a fun, easy post or if you've suddenly discovered your muses are just plain MIA.
Rules for 5QF: Copy and paste the following questions to your blog post, answer them, then watch for the linky post to appear Friday morning and LINK UP!
Oh, and remember (pay close attention...this is the important one)...HAVE FUN!
Questions for Friday, January 18th: (Special thanks to Courtney (@mom2xover2002) from Austim, ADHD and The Single Mom, Pam (@trooppetrie) from Troop Petrie, Adrienne (with a private Twitter account) and Kate, with 2 for the win! (@Katieb38) from Kate's Life for these 5QF question suggestions! I would love to link you in a future 5QF, so come on over to my community or watch for my Thursday afternoon shout out for questions on Twitter and offer up your best question suggestions! Remember to @5crookedhalos me and use hashtag #5QF if you go the Twitter route!)
1. If you were going to be stuck on a deserted island, which 5 books, movies, people and foods would you take along?
2. What is your thought on year round school?
3. What is your most embarrassing potty story? (Can't be one of your kids' potty stories either!) Hee Hee! This cracks me up and stems from a HILARIOUS twitter conversation...
4. What's the temperature where you are?
5. Are you a winter/spring/fall/summer person?
Anyone vlogging tomorrow? I think I might, greasy as I am, seems easier tonight! ;)
4. What's the temperature where you are?
5. Are you a winter/spring/fall/summer person?
Anyone vlogging tomorrow? I think I might, greasy as I am, seems easier tonight! ;)

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