Mr. Wonderful's brother is getting married on Saturday...and I can't make up my mind on what to wear, so I thought I'd call on you! Will you help me?
Here are my options: (And, I'd like to send a shout out to my 5 year old personal fashion photographer, Hambone.)
Disclaimer: These were first thing in the morning shots. Please avert your eyes from my face. And the horror that is my unmade face.
Option #1: The LRD ("Little Red Dress")
Top (Please ignore the spots on the photo. It may or may not indicate how dirty my mirror is.):
Middle (Please forgive the spliced fashion photographer was a bit of a diva and I couldn't get him to take any more, so I was left to my own devices.):
And Bottom:

What I love about the LRD: The color. The length of sleeve, the neckline, the length of the dress.
What I don't love: I don't love the dress. Period. It's just, kinda, "meh" to me. And, it's pretty much skin tight, which means two things: Spanx and gut sucking in-age all. night. long.
Option #2: TFS ("The Funky Shirt")
Close up:

Full(ish) body shot:

Detail shot:
What I love about TFS: I love the neckline. I love that it made my husbands jaw drop. It's comfortable. I don't have to wear a bra. I love the sparkles.
What I hate about the TFS: I can't wear a bra (yes, it's totally a love hate thing). The tiers sometimes flip up. And that's about it.
Option #3: TBS ("The Bosom Shirt")
Close up:
Full(ish) body shot:
Detail shot:
What I love about TBS: The color and fabric. It's a dreamy purple that darkens to the deepest plum. I love the floral detail. It accentuates my bosom (do not be afraid of the boobage). I don't have to wear a bra. Oh, and er...this one made my husband's jaw drop too. For obvious reasons.
What I hate about TBS: It accentuates my bosom. I can't wear a bra (see above TFS explanation). It's a bit on the flowy side...which in my mind equals maternity clothes and I've spent so much of the past 10 years of my life wearing maternity clothes, that it sort of makes me get morning sickness wearing something that even "hints" at maternity clothes. there it is. Whaddya say? #1, #2, or #3?

Definitely #3 and I must say, you have a rockin bod for having 5 babies!
I'd go with 3. Funky dress is inappropriate for a wedding on my opinion. The red dress is adorable but I would love to see you give emphasis to your best assets. It covers everything in my opinion. The purple top is amazing. Pair it with awesome pants (skinny jeans or good fit slacks) that will curve your buttocks! :)
ReplyDeleteI loooove three. Definitely.
ReplyDeleteThe red dress looks HOT on you!!! And yes, I like number three too. Make your husband happy to be next to you all day long! :) And it is nowhere maternity looking.
ReplyDeleteI'm number 3 all the way~
ReplyDeleteI love them all but think you'd be most comfortable in #3! It's super cute!
ReplyDelete#3 then #2
ReplyDeleteI vote number 3!
ReplyDeleteYou looking smokin' in the red dress, but I really like the funky top...
ReplyDeleteI really like number 2 actually...I wish I had the body to pull off shirts like that...but for me #3 is a VERY close 2nd
ReplyDeleteI hate your fabulous figure. But I'll love you anyway.
ReplyDeleteDon't listen to the others - the red dress is stunning. And the last one was pretty hawt too.
I vote #3 also. I don't think it looks maternity at all. The red dress is hot too! I wish I had your body after having kids...and I've only had one :)
ReplyDeleteCan you be my personal trainer? Had I done what you just did, Everyone would say keep looking. I loved #1, #2 is awesome but maybe for more like the rehersal dinner, and #3 is what you and your hubby want I think, so 3. Have fun!
ReplyDelete#1...Hands down! You look amazing in it! I am not too fond of #2 at all, and #3 is nice but not for a wedding!
ReplyDeletewow they all are great options, and you look absolutely fantastic after having 5 babies!!!
ReplyDeleteis the wedding a black tie? if it is, then #1...but I would say stick with #3--it is cute and works!
I like dresses at a wedding...the others seem like a fun night out getting martinis with your hubby to me! Wear the red dress! Have fun!
ReplyDelete#3 all the way...gorgeous! And not maternity looking at all!!!!
ReplyDeleteI love the red dress :-) Very nice.
ReplyDeleteI would say number 1 its hot on you and the only dress option
ReplyDeletenumber 3 is hot as well for a shirt and dressy
I find number 2 lacking in a dressy way for a wedding
You look so amazing in all of them that if I were you, I'd change my clothes throughout the wedding/reception so everyone could see how awesome I looked in my cute/sexy outfits! Love them all!!
ReplyDeletenumber 3! love the color and the detail!
ReplyDeleteI'm a little red dress girl, myself, so my vote is #1. The sisterhood of the little red dress!
ReplyDeleteIf I were blond and as thin as you, I'd go for the red dress. That's hot. I can't believe that it didn't make Mr. Wonderful's jaw drop! Does he not like red?
ReplyDeleteThe other two are nice too, though....see, I'm of no help. Sorry. :-/
#3! Closely followed by #1!
ReplyDeleteAnd I agree with a previous commenter, can you be my personal trainer? I can't return to that after 1 kid, forget 5 like you! ;)
Loving the #3 top! Too cute! Wondering, though, what pants? A heather grey might look great. You could wear grey with both tops. Like the LRD, but I agree, don't absolutely love it. Unless you find an amazing piece of jewelry.
ReplyDeleteI'm going with #3. It looks really awesome on you!!!!
ReplyDeleteI agree with victoria. IF it is black tie-red dress. If it is more relaxed purple top.
ReplyDeleteI am also going to agree with the others, I dislike you now! :) I rebounded with the first three, the bed rest with the last one killed me. I will never get that bod back. wwwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh
Definitely #3- fabulous!!!
ReplyDeleteI biased. Red is my favorite color. You get to wear a bra and it doesn't look like maternity clothing. Go with it! You look like a hot mama in that one!
ReplyDeletePshaw, if I could rock the red dress like you can, I would. Spanx and sucking inage aside, you can wear the others to a hot date or something and still make his jaw drop. But really, that red dress? You can't wear that to all too many places. And you will drop his jaw, mdear, I can assure you of that. Red. Dress.
ReplyDeleteI was sold on the little red dress (you're rockin' it) until I saw the bosom shirt. That's my vote1
ReplyDelete3. Although they all look very nice!
ReplyDeleteit's a tie between #1 and #3 for me!
ReplyDeleteI would go with #1 first... then #3... then #2. The red dress is stunning and you look great in it. And the last shirt is really cute!
ReplyDeleteI like the red dress on you...but I really do like the purple...I think no matter what you chose your gonna look GREAT!
ReplyDeleteAnd it's VERY hard to believe that you have 5 kids! :)
I say #1 or #3.... only because I didn't see #3 as a whole outfit.... BUT... I think with a cute skirt and some heels, #3 is the best option!
ReplyDeleteI love the red dress!!! You look HOT! But if you don't love the dress then go with number 3 - it is also hot. If you have a cute pencil skirt I would wear that with the shirt.
ReplyDeleteI vote for #1, it looks amazing on you. The fact that you look that good will turn heads, the fact that you look that good after 5 kids will make all the other women jealous. :)
ReplyDeleteAll look great but I would choose #3.
ReplyDelete1) It is fantastic and definitely not maternity like.
2) The flow-y-ish-ness will make you very comfortable (no gut sucking needed) as the day and night progresses.
3)It looks like it offers a little support for dancing the night away which could be a concern in #2 without a bra (super jealous that after 5 kids you can even consider going braless!)
4) If it makes your hubby's jaw drop is the icing on the cake. Remember he is the one looking at you all night.
definitely 3!!
ReplyDelete#1 looks amazing! I would go with that since you are family to the groom.
ReplyDeleteThis is sooooo fun! Matt and I think #1 and then #3.... You are so fun! Tell the family hello! You'll all have a great time! Hope you are well and when is our next coffee??? Love ya. Stacy
ReplyDeleteSuck it up and go with #1! You look great, by the way!
ReplyDeleteI say #3!!! You look great in all three, I can't believe you had 5 babies! You rock all of them!
ReplyDeleteI LOOOOVE number 3!
ReplyDeleteWOW! I love them all! I was scrolling down slowly & it went kind of like this: {red dress} WOW! Omg, that is STUNNING! She looks fantastic in that! WOAH! Red Dress for sure. {scroll down more to the floral top thingie} eh...hmm...{then saw the detailed pic}} Ooohhhh! I LOVE IT!!!!! & then scrolled more & loved the last one too!! I like them ALL! I agree that 2 might be more for reh dinner. Between 1 & 3 for me. Gorgeous all of them! You look great! And i WISH i could get by w/o a bra!!! I FREAKING WISH! HA!
ReplyDelete#1 is my favorite..especially since it's fall. But I love #3 as well. 3 just seems a little more spring, summeryish to me.
ReplyDeleteI would say if it is a more formal wedding than number 1 and if it is a fun wedding than number 3 and can i just say YOU ARE SMOKING HOT. how in the world did u have 3 children.
ReplyDeleteThey all look fantastic on you! I dont think you can go wrong with any of these choices.. however I think I would go with 2 or 3 since you will not be comfortable in the dress (ps.. you totally dont need to be worrying about sucking in! You look great!!!)
ReplyDeleteCan't wait to see what you choose!
I vote for #1 with more trendy heels and some BIG funky jewelry and if you have time hem it a little and throw in a push up bra for the jawdropping effect.
ReplyDelete#3. Without a doubt(who doesn't want flowy when food and drinks are concerned?!).
ReplyDeleteYour freaking gorgeous.
1 is my favorite, 3 is my 2nd favorite, and (sorry) I'm not a fan of 2. You look great. It's just the style I don't like.
ReplyDeleteLove, love, love #1 - wish I could rock a red dress like that! The other 2 are nice, but #1 seems the most dressy and I always like to go for dressy for weddings...
ReplyDeleteI love the classic look of #1. The dress will really liven up with accessories. But, if you have to suck it in all day and night, you won't be comfortable. I love the look of #2 ( I have a shirt almost identical to it, except its black, red & white) but maybe not for the wedding itself. My top pick would be #3. You look amazing in it and it looks comfortable enough to be able to dance up a storm.
ReplyDeleteI like #1 the best
ReplyDeleteWhile number 3 is really pretty, I like the dress for a wedding. And you look amazing in it. Maybe #3 for the rehearsal dinner if you are going to that?
ReplyDeleteI vote #3 as well! Looks great on you and I'm not sure but I don't think we are suppose to wear red to a wedding.
ReplyDeleteNumber 1 was GREAT! But I also liked Maranda's idea of you changing throughout the evening...That would be pretty funny! My vote is RED DRESS! Work it Gurl! :)
ReplyDeleteI love that funky top, but not for a wedding. I'd pick #1 and dress it up with some perty bling, girl. You look gorgeous even without makeup!
ReplyDeleteI think wearing red to a wedding is bad luck for the bride. Not sure if you believe in those things - but just thought I'd mention it.
ReplyDeleteI'd go with #3.
you. are. amazing. wow. five kids? i don't think i like you anymore.
ReplyDeleteoh. there was a question involved. THREE! I also love #1. But I love three more.
Red dress. Without question. The others don't seem dressy enough to me. And you look amazing in that dress.
ReplyDeleteTOTALLY #3. Although, you rock every single other one too!
ReplyDeleteI'm gonna have to be the oddball and go with #2!! I actually liked all of them, but after seeing the second top it was my favorite.
ReplyDeleteI liked #1 until you explained why you didn't like it and I found myself agreeing.
And I'm with you on #3 .. I'm not a huge fan of flowy especially when you have that body, show it off! :)
And I can not believe you've had 5 kids! I hope I can keep my figure as well, gives me some inspiration!!
Amazing Mama M,
ReplyDeleteYou are so beautiful you could wear a paper bag and still be the bell of the ball.
But if your fresh out of paper bags, I'd say go be the lady in red!
Hope you are doing well. I went back to work. Methodist Hospital ER and I've been SOOOOOO BUSY! Things should slow down in November! I miss my nurses!
Go with #3. Beautiful!