Raise your hand if you remember floppy disks. *raises hand*
And, now, I'm talking the REAL floppy disks...the thin, black, floppy, papery square things that we used to use in computers before the smaller, black, sturdy square things that were the predecessor to the itty bitty SD cards we have now.
How about that green turtle that served as the cursor arrow on those archaic old computers? Remember those?
Or, or...OR!! How about when the school...the WHOLE DANG SCHOOL owned like 5 computers. TOTAL.
Remember that?
Our current household now houses more computers than the first computer lab I ever sat in.
Sheesh...here's another little tidbit that'll date me. Once upon a time, I believe somewhere in the Kriss Kross "Jump Jump" era, jean bib overalls were HOT. The bigger and baggier the better, and when you wore one of your straps off your shoulder? Well HOT DAMN! You were something else.
So, someone I know *ahem* had a $100 school clothes budget and I, I mean SHE, just HAD TO HAVE a pair of Guess Jeans biboveralls.
Goodbye budget, HELLO HOT BIBS!
Good gracious. What was I thinking.
Anyway, times change. Lead changes to graphite. Wood pencils to mechanical. Notebooks start coming in multi-subject bundles. Textbooks are downloaded onto tablets. School registration day now involves not only dropping off your school supplies, but also picking up your own personal, school loaned tablet.
Gone are the floppy disks of old...hello technology!!! And I've gotta say, I welcome it with open arms! Anything that can make my job as a mom easier and lighten the load (literally AND figuratively) for my kids?
Bring it.
Microsoft Office 365 Home Premium is one of those tools that helps with streamlining academics for your kiddo. Do you want to know something? I have no idea how to make a PowerPoint presentation. In this day and age, and I don't have a ding dang clue! I'm old enough that PowerPoint wasn't incorporated into my college learning experience.
Old as dirt.
According to a recent Microsoft survey, today’s students (70%) rely on computer software like Microsoft PowerPoint to lead presentations, while 85% of parents used posters and poster board.
I've long maintained that technology isn't going anywhere...it's only going to become more prevalent and necessary as our kids age, so we've gotta embrace it! Take this research point: "Almost all parents and teens agree that software and online tools are critical for success in school (87% and 93% respectively) and beyond (91% and 94%)." See? I'm spot on...we've gotta see eye to eye with our kids and their reliance on technology as a tool for success.
The great thing about Office 365 Home Premium is that is accessible from anywhere through the cloud on SkyDrive. Forgot your "floppy disk" at home? Have no fear...your essay is in the cloud, just grab it from one of your laptop or even your phone and voila! No late assignment.
With to-do checklists, color coded calendars, and thousands of free templates for projects on Office.com, the features of Office 365 Home Premium are mind blowing!
Honestly and truly, I am excited about trying this product.
How about a chance to win one year free subscription to Office 365 Home Premium? Details here: Back to School Throwback Sweepstakes:
The sweepstakes launches on August 15th (on Throwback Thursday!) and closes on September 27th. To enter, all you have to do is submit a “throwback” picture of yourself from back in the day. Submit your picture here on the Office Facebook page and share it on Facebook or Twitter with your friends!. (#tbt + #officebts). Contestants are entered for a chance to win either a one-year subscription of Office 365 Home Premium (to be given away every weekday) or a Surface Pro (to be given away every Thursday).

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