So, this really isn't so much a story about politics, as it is about the, well, um...the quirkiness of my brain.
The Mr. has long wondered "what it's like" to live in my mind...jumping from this subject to that and back again in a nanosecond. I once walked him through a total train of thought derailment that went something like this: When you asked me about my day and I answered "fine" I then remembered that I needed to get my hair done because once upon a time I went to a salon called the "Fine Line" and when I remembered I needed to get my hair done, it reminded me of the oils that my current salon sells and then I remembered that someone at work was asking me about Young Living and I needed to get them a catalogue.
It can get pretty scary up in this old brain of mine.
Anyway, last night, the Mr., who is a staunch conservative, was talking about the drones that government purportedly has AND OH MY GOSH, we're on the verge of living the Hunger Games.
My response?
"Hmmm. I guess we should move. Can we move to England? I hear they have really good food! Someone told me they have this stuff called "Brown Sauce"..." and then he died.
Laughing. And shaking his head in utter disbelief at where I had taken the conversation.
I even impressed my teenager with that thought derailment. In fact, he told me, "THAT was impressive!! You did like a COMPLETE 180 on that one! That takes skill."
Yes, my friends, I AM skilled in something.
Now, if only I could learn to sew...which reminds me, I never showed you the blanket that some creepy internet friends and I "made" (well, helped make) for our super sweet creepy internet friend Kate, did I?
THAT my friends, is a post worth waiting for!
As I said on facebook, gotta love the workings on a female brain. And I'm with you on moving to England. ;)