Update: Winner Announced! Giveaway closed...
Winner is commenter #3...Brooke! Congrats Brooke, I'll contact you for your info to forward to the good people at Domeo! And remember...free shipping and 20% off with code FCH at checkout, that way, EVERYONE wins! :)
A couple of weeks ago I received an email from a nice man (Chris) at Domeo Products telling me that one of his employees was a reader of my blog (dearest "reader", please show yourself!) and they suggested me for a product review!
I die. Thank you, Dearest Reader, I am a happy woman!
Turns out Domeo has launched some new iPad cases (stay tuned, giveaway and percentage off to be announced at the end!) and they were looking for some feedback on them. When I received mine in the mail on Friday, it was like it was Christmas morning! (No, really, it was. I got a boatload of packages that day...all for other people on my Christmas list except for one discreetly marked package with a return address of "Domeo" and I realized it was really FOR ME!!! Excitement ensued...)
Of course, Baby and I had to try it out right away.
I absolutely LOVE the incline angles...they are secure and don't threaten to collapse like some "other" cases do, which is very important when little girls insist on watching The Pioneer Woman on your iPad.
And there are a ton of angles, including a little kickstand for quick propping and a cute little pop up thingamajig that inclines the iPad for typing. (Note cute little angled rectangle on right side of case, below.)
The case is strong and sturdy and good looking...not quite the "girly" style I prefer, but definitely high quality and something that my husband won't be embarrassed to be seen with now. (My old case is pink.)
Seriously, incredibly impressed with the workmanship, the "usability", and the look of this case! The only downside (other than it not being pink) ;) I could find is that it's a little awkward "two thumb texting" with it on, but I found that if you slip your hand under the iPad, where the case inclines, it makes it much less awkward! There's always a workaround.
So...wanna get your grubby little hands on one of these bad boys? I thought so! (Really, you DO wanna get your hands on one. They truly, honest to goodness, Scout's honor, cross my heart are great cases!)
Just leave me a comment telling me what your dream Christmas present is this year!
For a second entry, like Domeo Product's Facebook page and leave a comment telling me you did so.
For a third and final entry, tweet the following, " Check out @5crookedhalos giveaway of a @domeoipadcases iPad case! " and leave a comment with the URL to your tweet!
For more information on Domeo Products, check them out on Pinterest and Google+!
**Legal disclaimer mumbo jumbo: Domeo Products provided me with a free iPad case for this review. All opinions are truly mine and I was not in any way compensated for a positive review. The end.**
Winner is commenter #3...Brooke! Congrats Brooke, I'll contact you for your info to forward to the good people at Domeo! And remember...free shipping and 20% off with code FCH at checkout, that way, EVERYONE wins! :)
A couple of weeks ago I received an email from a nice man (Chris) at Domeo Products telling me that one of his employees was a reader of my blog (dearest "reader", please show yourself!) and they suggested me for a product review!
I die. Thank you, Dearest Reader, I am a happy woman!
Turns out Domeo has launched some new iPad cases (stay tuned, giveaway and percentage off to be announced at the end!) and they were looking for some feedback on them. When I received mine in the mail on Friday, it was like it was Christmas morning! (No, really, it was. I got a boatload of packages that day...all for other people on my Christmas list except for one discreetly marked package with a return address of "Domeo" and I realized it was really FOR ME!!! Excitement ensued...)
Of course, Baby and I had to try it out right away.
I absolutely LOVE the incline angles...they are secure and don't threaten to collapse like some "other" cases do, which is very important when little girls insist on watching The Pioneer Woman on your iPad.
And there are a ton of angles, including a little kickstand for quick propping and a cute little pop up thingamajig that inclines the iPad for typing. (Note cute little angled rectangle on right side of case, below.)
The case is strong and sturdy and good looking...not quite the "girly" style I prefer, but definitely high quality and something that my husband won't be embarrassed to be seen with now. (My old case is pink.)
Seriously, incredibly impressed with the workmanship, the "usability", and the look of this case! The only downside (other than it not being pink) ;) I could find is that it's a little awkward "two thumb texting" with it on, but I found that if you slip your hand under the iPad, where the case inclines, it makes it much less awkward! There's always a workaround.
So...wanna get your grubby little hands on one of these bad boys? I thought so! (Really, you DO wanna get your hands on one. They truly, honest to goodness, Scout's honor, cross my heart are great cases!)
Just leave me a comment telling me what your dream Christmas present is this year!
For a second entry, like Domeo Product's Facebook page and leave a comment telling me you did so.
For a third and final entry, tweet the following, " Check out @5crookedhalos giveaway of a @domeoipadcases iPad case! " and leave a comment with the URL to your tweet!
Contest closes on Friday, 12/7/12, winner will be announced Saturday, 12/8! Can't wait that long? Well, guess what? Everyone's a winner in this contest because Domeo is offering 20% off and free shipping for my readers! That's YOU! Just enter code "FCH" (no quotes) at checkout and BOOM, discount and free shipping is all yours, baby.
For more information on Domeo Products, check them out on Pinterest and Google+!
**Legal disclaimer mumbo jumbo: Domeo Products provided me with a free iPad case for this review. All opinions are truly mine and I was not in any way compensated for a positive review. The end.**

My dream Christmas gift is a tortoiseshell MK watch.
ReplyDeleteMy dream gift is the gray coach purse I have been dropping hints about or a Caribbean Cruise for our 10th anniversary coming up!
ReplyDeleteMy dream gift is a chef! No, really it is just a vegan cookbook.
ReplyDeleteI liked domeo products on FB.
ReplyDeleteHope this URL works.
My dream gift would be a vacation getaway! I'm feeling overwhelmed and no vacation this year has worn on me.
I also "liked" Domeo on FB
Am hoping this how to do the url from Twitter...never did that before.
Dream present: A car!! I don't have one, and as a single mom with three kids, (I don't even have my own place) it's tough to drag them out and about all the time. But somehow we manage.
ReplyDeleteI liked Domeo on Facebook.
ReplyDeleteI don't know how to get the actual status to come up, but my twitter is
My dream present is a spa day--a manicure, pedicure, massage...that would be amazing!
ReplyDeleteA shopping trip to Tiffany's!
ReplyDeleteI tweeted:
Dream present? Baby Bug's tracheomalacia to magically go away? Realistically? I want a big ole Consuela bag. I know they aren't that expensive, but I just don't spend money for things like that on my self.
ReplyDeleteTweeted it!
ReplyDeletei have begged, pleaded and begged again for a IPAD, this house needs it
Domeo Liked on Facebook!
ReplyDeleteliked them on face book as pam petrie
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