There once was a mom from Minnesota,
Who didn't give one little iota,
That though it wasn't hot, eh?
She loved an iced latte,
And drank it even though she was colda.
Story goes that I love me some good coffee. Hot, cold, medium, bold (HA! I'm a poet and I didn't know it, as evidenced by the above paragraph)...I'll take it anyway I can get it.
I had the opportunity to try the Silk Iced Latte and let me level with you here, was DELICIOUS!! I chose the Mocha Soy Latte, poured that deliciousness over a glass of ice and went out on our deck to sip it while basking in the reflection of the sun off the blanket of snow on the ground.
In all seriousness, though, it really IS delicious and while I didn't sip it on the deck in freezing temps for longer than it took to snap the above photo, I can NOT wait for the weather to warm up so I really can enjoy it on the deck!
In the meantime, I plan on adding it to my morning cup of steaming hot coffee...'cuz lemme tell ya something (that's MinneSOOOOOtan for "listen up"), that right there? Silk Iced Latte in your hot coffee? THAT is somethin' to write home to mom about!
Here's a coupon for you, so that you can #TasteSilk and see for yourself just how good it is!
This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of Silk. The opinions and text are all mine.