Date of the Week:
My name is Lori Boling. Loving Learning at Home is my blog where you can come to learn what my family is doing in our homeschool journey. My husband and I have been married 15 years and have two children. You will read about Charlotte Mason style learning which is how we are learning right now. You also will find reviews that I do for The Old Schoolhouse Blog Crew. This has been an exciting time for our family and I have been asked to continue this venture next year. I also review for MammaBuzz and you will find a few book reviews thrown in. So, please come visit me at my blog where I hope you will enjoy your stay. Hopefully you will go away renewed, rejuvenated and ready to follow God.
Hey Friends!! Welcome to Mama M.'s Blog Personals!
If you've come looking for a're in the wrong spot...but, if you've come in search of new blogs to read, you are right where you should be!
Here, you'll find a little "personal" ad for different blogs...look around, stop in and visit people...and if you would like to be listed, just drop me an email with your blog title, URL and a brief "personal" about your blog! I also would LOVE to feature your blog button, so email me the link for that, as well, if you have one!
When you are linked...feel free to grab the button off my sidebar! The button is a work in progress... when it changes, I'll let you know!
Every Sunday, I will chose a "Date of the Week" to be highlighted right at the very top of this page...and on my blog sidebar!
Mama M's Blog Personals!
1. BoyOhBoyOhBoy: Written by Lisa, is a sometimes sarcastic, always honest, take on anything and everything that has to do with being a full time working mom to three active boys. Join the fun as she learns to ride the waves of her testosterone filled life and loves it.
2. 11th's Heaven Homemaking Haven: A blog by a Mormon American mom of 10 living in a tiny farm town in Mexico. She shares what little she's learned on to stay sane (mostly) while raising a large family, cooking from scratch, tackling DIY's, being pregnant, going to doctors that don't speak your native language, and much, much more!
4. Regaining My Sanity: Married 6yrs to my best friend, Mother of a pre teen and a toddler. And a Grandma (as my kids so lovingly call me) to the Dog and Cat. You will not find advice on how to be the "perfect Mom" or "perfect Wife" on here. Instead you will find a (prior) Alcoholic Mom doing her best to make it thru another day.
5. Southern Institute for Domestic Arts and Crafts: Wife to incredibly talented husband, mom to three spunky children. Loves to sew and take pictures. Bed hair to be reckoned with. Messiest neat freak you will ever met. Trying to be hip AND drive a minivan at the same time.
6. Renee's Ramblings: I'm 41, fat, feisty, a mom of 4 and a tad bit crazy. I have a kooky husband too, he has to be, he married me! My crazy crew (and 1 dog, 2 cats) lives in a SMALL home in small town IL. I blog as a form of communication to save my sanity, it's my grown up time, in my child filled world.
7. Adrienne Tells All: Adrienne tells all these things things that i've done..being the mom of one ...sometimes its funny sometimes it lame but it is my life and I love it...I have a host of animals and a crazy house full of love ... I have a fella who is my best friend and I write about the good the bad the funny the happy and the sad!
8. Coffee and College is now Coffee and Life: Victoria is a family, God, coffee and Chicago Cubs loving twenty-something year old elementary school teacher! I use my blog as a place for me to vent, share pictures of my Lovebugs, spread the word about March of Dimes and talk about my life! If you like sarcastic humor with a dash of love thrown in, you will enjoy my blog! Oh and did I mention I am dying to go to Australia to teach and travel?! Come read for yourself!
9. Exposing the Drapes to my 20's: A true twenty-something southern belle from Mississippi, living on the East Coast. I'm currently living the college life at non else, but my dream college majoring in Interior Design. Time has flown as graduation nears. I have a love for my family, God, my adorable puppy, everything design, traveling, reality TV, painting, shopping, cooking and of course blogging. Come Join Me on "Exposing the Drapes to my 20's"!
10. Spokeit: A twenty something living in the tobacco capitol of the US even though I don't smoke. I love photography, Swedish Fish, my dog, and a nicely-vaccuumed carpet. I write about all of the above.
11. Lolidots: I'm a Texan through and through, wear my heart on my sleeve, wonderfully flawed Mommy of two, married to my best friend, child of divorce, former "party girl", good listener, super sarcastic, soul searching, chili-cheese fries loving, non-baking, rock and rolling, unconventional a constant state of organized chaos.
12. Joyous Jabberings: I'm a twenty something spunky woman, in love with my Prince and blogging about all things goofy, funny, sweet, cute and personal. If you're up for a sure to be crazy ride, join in!!
13. Perfecting Imperfection: I've accepted that I'm not perfect - so I might as well start working on being good at imperfection! I have 4 children under the age of 5 and sometimes I don't remember to brush my teeth until 1 pm. I'd love for you to stop by and join me on this crazy trip as I try to keep it together by remembering that someday . . . someday I'll wish for this time back again!
14. Kristina's Cackles: Oh, you know just your typical married, infertile, Southern girl living life and blogging about ALL of it. The good, the bad, and the ugly! I’m a therapist, but you may think that I need therapy of my own after reading a few posts!! I blame the hormones…
15. And Baby Makes Five: I'm a mom of three who loves to post about the passions that fuel and enrich my days -- family, crafting/creating, and cooking/baking. All set against the backdrop of beautiful Midcoast Maine. If you love a warm kitchen, a good craft tutorial, and a comfy, homey place ... grab a cup of tea or coffee and come on over!
16. Because I said SO: Come in sit down and kick off your shoes. Here I talk about everything under the sun. Life, Love, Homeschooling, Food, and so much more. Thinking is NOT required, but Laughter is a MUST.
17. Sarah's Memories for my Girls: Married Mom of three girls. I enjoy capturing my life with them through blogging and photography while trying to think of ways to do so without going insane!
18. Kerri's Klutter: I'm a married mommy of 2 little boys. During the week I'm home with my boys but I choose to work on the weekends in attempts to keep the crazies at bay. They still find me anyway so I've taken to spilling my guts out on my blog for all to see. Not everyone finds me funny but at least I laugh at ME. Yes, I am a dork...never claimed to be anything but. Kerri's Klutter is where my brains junk gets emptied out. Come over and rummage you might be surprised at what you find.

Coloring Outside the Lines: Married Mom to 3 little Scribblers. My blog is all about Coloring Outside The Lines. Teaching my children and myself to define our own lives by challenging the rules. We like crayons, quiet nights at home (yeah right!) and laughter. Come grab a crayon and doodle with us...just not on the walls, please.

Coloring Outside the Lines: Married Mom to 3 little Scribblers. My blog is all about Coloring Outside The Lines. Teaching my children and myself to define our own lives by challenging the rules. We like crayons, quiet nights at home (yeah right!) and laughter. Come grab a crayon and doodle with us...just not on the walls, please.
20. A Dollop of my Life: My name is Lindsey (aka Linds), and I love to blog about everyday life with my husband and 10 month old son, including photography, parenting & my thoughts on being a wife and mom. I try to add my dry sense of humor to the mix, and always try to be as honest as possible (you know, letting people know thatbeing married isn't all about running through a field of daisies smiling at each other, and sometimes mommy moments will push you to think about lining up 13 shot glasses of tequila and downing them all simultaneously. Have I mentioned I hate tequila? Alrighty then).
21. Single Infertile Female: Now What?: Young, single, infertile, and just slightly kooky. The quest to mommyhood as seen through the eyes of a girl who tries to laugh more than she crys, and cry more than she screams... It's probably going to get messy!
22. Amundson House of Chaos: Army wife, mother of three taking one day at a time on the road to childhood stroke recovery. Our son had a stroke in 2007 when he was two. I blog about life as we live it now. All the medical issues, the adjustments to disabilities and the way our family copes with it. We're crazy and insane but at least I think we're holding it together pretty good. Come check out the chaos we call life.

Mommy Inbetween: I am a happily married SAHM of a cute son who blogs secretly (and therefore not regularly) about her experiences of motherhood and life apart from being a mom and the attempt to combine both.
24. Postcards From Oblivion: Random notes from the twisted side of the street in suburbia.
25. My Cheap Version of Therapy: Raised in the Midwest, I came to Colorado on vacation in 2004, met my future husband, and never left! This blog is my place to laugh, cry, and rejoice about our life together, and most frustratingly at the moment, to vent about our struggles to conceive.
26. Amanda's Thoughts: Amanda Lynn, engaged 24 year old, romantic at heart, just finishing up my Masters/Elementary Teaching Credential and entering an economy with zero teaching jobs available. I was born and raised a city girl but recently moved to the small town of Arbuckle with my wonderful fiancee, a country boy. I love blogging about life, love and everything in between.
27. Emily Mud: Crazy first grade teacher that tries to make the world of 24, 6 and 7 years right each day. While planning a dream wedding to her Mr. Amazing. Loves life, friends, and "blog-able moment" that happen every day.
28. MommysTime: Domestic Engineer, married to my high school sweetheart, and mom of 2 little monkey's. I blog about life, love and the pursuit of quiet time. To mix it up a little, I throw in my little knowledge of being eco friendly. I enjoy spending time with my family, watching the never ending pile of laundry grow and listening to the lovely sound of my two kids playing ever so nicely together. Pass the wine and Motrin please!
29. A Twinkle in Time: I am a small town Appalachia girl, a full time college student, a part time worker, a girlfriend, a daughter of an overprotective parent, an adoptee and most importantly a mom. I blog about it all from family to the weather. I also do reviews on products I really enjoy and some I don't and I do giveaways so you will have a chance to enjoy the same things. My main goal is to touch someone's life with the story of mine. This is my life uncut and uncensored.
30. Our Imperfect Life: We are the typical husband, wife, 2 kids & 2 dogs family. But we are not so typical in that we are a military family living overseas. Please feel free to check come read about "Our Imperfect Life." God Bless!
31. Thoughts From a Blonde: Thoughts from a 30 something on life, marriage, trying to have a baby and everything in between.
32. Rebecca D: Married, mother of two great teenage girls... has more then her fair share of misadventures, but loves sharing them with as much humor as she can muster. Would love long walks on the beach or nights in front of a cozy fire, but will settle for a clean kitchen...
33. Kate's World: I am a daughter of the King, wife to an amazing man, mother to three beautiful children and “grandma” to a house full of pets. I love all things purple and orange, Walmart, diet pepsi, The Black Eyed Peas and the person who created M&Ms. Amen.
34. Andrea's Attic: I'm Andrea, a southern newlywed married to my handsom handyman. I enjoy all things crafty and cheap, DIY, Southern favorites, cooking, and OK State football. Join me as I learn the ins & outs of married life, DIY, and eventually mommyhood.
35. Kat Bass: I'm the SAHM to THEEE cutest baby girl EVERR (and Im not biased at ALL). I have blogged about our fertility struggles, our adoption journey, and our life with the fabulous answer to our prayers, Whitney Faith. :) I try to keep it "rainbows and sunshine", but sometimes, things I read light a fire under my butt and I remember that Im not "JUST" a mommy...and I use that college degree to type up some fiesty responses. But mostly, rainbows and sunshine :)
36. 3 Girls & Our Guy: I'm happily married to my best friend, we have 2 beautiful daughters that I love more than life! I'm big on breastfeeding and I'm researching baby wearing at this time. My blog is where I write about what is important to me, so it will mostly be about my family!
37. Because I Don't Scrapbook: It's a little sarcasm, a little wit, lots of culture and a heaping helping of life, kids and honesty.
38. Just Thinkin': I'm a 20-something Christian wife and mom. I started my blog to perserve the cute pictures and phrases from my girls, the random and quirky thoughts in my head, and many other fun ideas! Come and see what I'm thinkin' about now!
39. Stephanie's PLaCe: I'm a 20 something girl who's been married to my wonderful hubs for almost two years! We have many laughs and some frustrations trying to navigate through this thing called marriage in a place called life. I love God, kids, pictures, laughing, people, cups of tea, singing, and the list can go on. If you're looking for day to day life with a couple sans kids, at least for now, than come on over and say hi!
40. Musings on the Move: Written by TexasHeather, a 30-something "ex-pat", living in Brazil, raising 3 boys and living to blog about it. Because my life is a random thing, my blog is a random place, and I like it like that. I hope you do, too.
41. Life as Melissa: Full time working mom turn stay at home mom.....trying to figure out this new life and what I've gotten myself into.
42. Mommy's Camera: Married mother of two girls and a 4-legged boy blogging about learning photography. Writes photography tutorials geared toward your average person with a point-and-shoot camera and photo editing tutorials using free photo editing software. On occasion writes a post about being a nurse. This blog is also the home of Blogger the frog. Follow him around the world!
43. 365 Days of TV-Free Toddler Time: A blog by a mom with ten kids, including three toddlers. Join her as she blogs her way through fun TV-free activities with her toddlers, listing appropriate ages, all materials you'll need, and rating the activities with a 5-star rating system. You can even join the fun by playing along or guest posting!
44. Accidental Homeschooling Mom: Married sister-less mother of 4 sons craves conversation with the female species. There are no lace, frills, teacups or breakable items in my world right now.
45. Countin' My Blessings: A Mom of 4 and a Grammy of 1, trying to live life at a slightly slower pace here in the country. But there are always lots of things to talk about with this crazy life of mine! Whether it's being a PTO mom (21 years and counting) or volunteering more than I should (however I AM learning to say NO! {yeahsureright....} ), I'm always into something. There may be recipe to share, a book to review, a great decorating idea that I simply MUST pass on, or a funny family moment that I think will make you smile. Whatever is going through my mind at the time, it's sure to spill out of my fingertips and onto my blog for your reading pleasure. : )
46. Not Your Average Teen: Consider me Mini Mom. I'm the oldest daughter to a single mother of 4. I babysit on the weekends instead of heading out and partying. Spend my week nights taking my brothers and sister to games, practices and other events. I cook up a mean meal every once in a while. As other teens work at McDonalds or Burger King (not that there is anything wrong with that) I am a secretary at City Hall. Did I mention I'm still a Senior in high school? And that I teach Children's church on Sunday? I'm NOT YOUR AVERAGE TEEN so come on over and learn about my adventures as a daughter of God, a mini mom, and how I got thrown into the adult world at age 17.
47. Life of Emily: I am pregnant with twins, expecting in June. It's been an awesome journey and we can't wait to be parents.

Toooppetrie: Mom to four blessings. My life is a journey, a journey I try to enjoy rather it is having a premature baby or a husband who has deployed 6 times and will deploy again. I am a homeschooling mom. I have recently started sewing. I love my husband more than I ever thought possible. I love scrapbooking and card making but do not have time to do it often. I love to cook and make things like laundry soap and love to blog about them to help others learn the ropes of what I know. I love taking pictures of my children but have never learned to edit them so you see the real picture, dirty laundry and all.

49. Moms Wear Your Tees Blog: This blog is written by a stay at home mom who reports on cool websites, products, and causes that you may find helpful or interesting with a focus on going green, saving money, and family related topics. You will also find lots of giveaways for you to enter to win!
50. Trenches of Mommyhood: Mama to three little ones, deep in the trenches of motherhood. Random thoughts on day-to-day life, frugal living, $75 weekly grocery lists, homeschooling, breastfeeding, natural birthing, attachment parenting, and "granola" lifestyle. Something for everyone.
51. Life with Kael: A blog about a single mom to one energetic son named Kael. I am currently in the process of changing my life drastically. While Kael attends daycare I am studying law and hope one day to become a criminal Lawyer. This blog is about parenting a preemie child while attending school and provided both roles of daddy and mommy and loving every minute of it.

Mothering The Mother: I am a southern girl, born and raised in Georgia. Living currently in NC. I am wife and mother of 3 with the oldest at 21 and the youngest is 3. My blog is about my life and my experince as a Doula (Professional Labor Coach). I share Birth Stories, cooking ideas, pictures of my children and any cooking ideas I can find. Currently thinking of one day having my own buisiness. It's all up to what the Lord has planned. Come on and join in on the ride!!!!!

Mothering The Mother: I am a southern girl, born and raised in Georgia. Living currently in NC. I am wife and mother of 3 with the oldest at 21 and the youngest is 3. My blog is about my life and my experince as a Doula (Professional Labor Coach). I share Birth Stories, cooking ideas, pictures of my children and any cooking ideas I can find. Currently thinking of one day having my own buisiness. It's all up to what the Lord has planned. Come on and join in on the ride!!!!!
54. Draw Me In: Ramblings of a 20 something, semi crazy, newlywed who blogs about the joys and struggles of living in a foreign country, life, love, and pretty much anything else!
55. Loving Learning at Home: My name is Lori Boling. Loving Learning at Home is my blog where you can come to learn what my family is doing in our homeschool journey. My husband and I have been married 15 years and have two children. You will read about Charlotte Mason style learning which is how we are learning right now. You also will find reviews that I do for The Old Schoolhouse Blog Crew. This has been an exciting time for our family and I have been asked to continue this venture next year. I also review for MammaBuzz and you will find a few book reviews thrown in. So, please come visit me at my blog where I hope you will enjoy your stay. Hopefully you will go away renewed, rejuvenated and ready to follow God.
56. Better known as The Casa: I'm a first time mommy of two-year-old twin girls. I'm a part-time worker, full-time mommy. My blog is about me, my girls, decorating, work, family, you name it, I blog about it!
57. Be Creative with Jodi B: I answer to Mommy far more often than my own name, and I cannot imagine being called anything better! I am a devoted mother, wife, daughter, sister and friend, blogging about real life, lessons learned and recipes for food, fun and disaster!
58. Decorating my Soul: I'm a twenty something, gun-toting, adrenaline rush seeking, sophisticated country girl and single mama to 2 precious boys. I'm an ex-military wife, an accountant, a Colorado native, and a Texas transplant. This is my attempt at learning to love my life, myself, and my new surroundings. I'm starting to decorate my own soul instead of waiting for someone to bring me flowers :) Enjoy!
59. The Charettes: My name is Krista and I blog about what's most important to me... my family! I live a simple life with my husband, son and two dogs. I wouldn't have it any other way. I spend my day with the cutest little man, who always finds a new way to make me smile. I'm just trying to do my best as a new mom in an imperfect world.
60. Team Lua: This is a place to for me to rant and rave and mostly brag about my family. I try to be funny, but realize things are much funnier in my head than they are written down. I went to college to be a teacher, but after a semester of student teaching came home and told my husband (whom I married in 1999) I could teach or we could have kids. You can see what we choose! So I went to the opposite extreme and got my Business degree with an emphasis in Marketing and minor in Economics. After getting pregnant with our first child I gave up the business world and became a SAHM, which it turns out is my ultimate dream job. A short 19 months later we were blessed with another child, followed 3 years later by our 3rd. In answer to the next inevitable question - are we done? I don't know! For now, I'm enjoying our crazy life with two school aged daughters and one adorable baby boy, taking each day as it comes.
61. My Happy Hour: Since we moved hundreds of miles away from EVERYONE I needed somewhere to turn to make up for lost time and gossip with my gals, "My Happy Hour" was born in January of 2010. I'm still learning how to properly care for my new baby (blog) but it's always screaming to be feed by new followers and never lets me sleep! "My Happy hour" is what I won't talk to my husband about, so watch out!
62. {Picture Perfect}: I'm a wife, mom, teacher, friend and follower of Jesus...just to name a few of my roles. I am not a professional, but I love to take pictures. I am always after that {picture perfect} moment. That being said, because I am taking them I am rarely ever in them. Here is my story: I always wanted to be a wife and mom...but I never imagined it would be like this. To wake up every morning next to my best friend and have the two most beautiful daughters in the world is more than I could have ever hoped for. We are always on the go and, of course, we have our ups and downs. What family doesn't? The title is not about us being perfect, but when I think about our life and what I had envisioned for our time together: good, bad and ugly...that is truly {Picture Perfect}.
63. Angie's Healthy Living Blog: Wow being healthy is hard! As a beginner I am still learning, and no where near being an expert. Taking it day by day, and changing not so good habits. I hope you will join me in finding ways on living healthier! Check out my healthy and maybe not so healthy recipes.
64. Working Mom with a Stay-at-Home Heart: Where I blog about the adventures, chaos and joys of raising four kids and working full-time outside the home as a 3rd grade teacher. I share about trying to balance everything, and about the times that I don't. I want workin' mommies to know that they can do both; be a devoted, engaged mother and work, and that it's okay. I don't have it all figured out, but come follow along and we can learn together.
65. An American Girl in Bristol: Is about my transition from being a single and independent young woman living in America to starting my new life in England, where I will be living with my soon-to-be-husband. I will be blogging about the highs and lows in becoming an Expat and experiencing the culture shock. I'll also be blogging about juggling my college studies, a fitness routine, job hunting, traveling, and my relationship as I embark on a new life in the UK!
66. Posh Pieces: If your looking for a cheap thrill with a luxury feel then I have what you need. I craft, decorate, re-purpose, and I am not afraid of a power tool. I will create anything for the home for less, and still give it the high-end feel. If this sounds appealing to you, then stop by for a visit and check out all that Posh Pieces has to offer.
67. This Lovely Life: Hi! My name is Debbi. I am a first time stay at home mom of a amazing little boy. Every morning I role out of bed with the hopes of mastering the art of domestic bliss. It doesn't usually happen, but I'm trying one load of laundry at a time. Join me in my, often hilarious, journey.
68. It's a Sweet Thing: My blog is dedicated to craftyness and the wonderful world of shopping! Oh god I LOVE shopping! LOL!
69. The Misadventures of Mrs. B: Would you enjoy reading this blog? Well let me ask you: Have you ever tripped, fallen and managed to throw your unzipped purse into the street, thus scattering the contents everywhere? Have people stopped asking you where you got that (*insert name of random minor injury here*) because they just know you too well? Do you have a violent and unrequitted love for butter, chocolate or pasta? Do you make a mile-long "To Do" list every weekend only to discover that all of your favorite movies are on you watch them instead? If so, you've come to the right place! And we need to be friends. The end.
70. Tweedle Dee Designs is busy bringing fairy tales to life. At this one stop party place, find pretty party inspiration, fabulous printable party supplies, Fairytale Tutus, DIY projects, crafts and more.
71. Confessions of an Untenured Teacher: Sarah writes about her adventures and misadventures as a special education teacher! Join her in laughing and crying over her students, colleagues, and administrators!
72. Not So Crafty: Hi, I'm Tonia, and I am a not so crafty crafter. I take ideas from other craft blogs and tweak them to make them my own. Every once in a while I come up with my own ideas. Those usually come to me while I'm laying in bed or in the shower.Come take a look around, if you like what you see feel free to stay a while.

Hello! My name is Katie from The Life and Times of Katie and Scott:...I love life and love blogging about it. I love finding new blogs to read and "meeting" new bloggers...Head on over an join in, in the fun :)

Hagler Happenings: I am a midwestern gal with 3 entertaining kids & a husband of 9 years. Finding a balance between being a wife, mother, sister, friend, and Christian results in some pretty amazing stories. I might not have time to put make-up on everyday, but I sure do love my life! I blog about my family as well as other things that interest me such as organization, information sharing, and sewing. Come check out the chaos otherwise known as my life!

Katie's Dailies: I'm a 44 Domestic Engineer living in northwest Arkansas. Married to my bestie for 20 years now, who works for Walmart's home office. We moved from the Washington, DC Metro area/hell five years ago where my husband worked for the government. Yeah, it was quite a switch! We have two kids who are a work in progress, ages 16 (The Girl) and 10 (The Boy). Naturally, they're the best kids in the world (wink, wink)! I blog about our somewhat adventurous life, my love of running (I think it's a borderline obsession) and whatever else comes to mind.

a belle, a bean & a chicago dog: Written by Liz, an autobiography of marriage, parenthood, pet ownership & life in general. Sometimes funny, usually sarcastic, and always honest.

Hagler Happenings: I am a midwestern gal with 3 entertaining kids & a husband of 9 years. Finding a balance between being a wife, mother, sister, friend, and Christian results in some pretty amazing stories. I might not have time to put make-up on everyday, but I sure do love my life! I blog about my family as well as other things that interest me such as organization, information sharing, and sewing. Come check out the chaos otherwise known as my life!

Katie's Dailies: I'm a 44 Domestic Engineer living in northwest Arkansas. Married to my bestie for 20 years now, who works for Walmart's home office. We moved from the Washington, DC Metro area/hell five years ago where my husband worked for the government. Yeah, it was quite a switch! We have two kids who are a work in progress, ages 16 (The Girl) and 10 (The Boy). Naturally, they're the best kids in the world (wink, wink)! I blog about our somewhat adventurous life, my love of running (I think it's a borderline obsession) and whatever else comes to mind.

a belle, a bean & a chicago dog: Written by Liz, an autobiography of marriage, parenthood, pet ownership & life in general. Sometimes funny, usually sarcastic, and always honest.
77. Designing dna is more than just another pretty place to hang out. This home, garden and lifestyle blog is for the novice decorator, the experienced design diva and all who enjoy beauty. I believe that every person, at their deepest level, has a need to surround themselves in beauty, but not everyone knows how to achieve it, nor can many afford to pay for help. My goal is to help, while dispelling some myths, teaching a few tricks of the trade and making the world a more beautiful place--one home at a time.
SOLO dot Mom is where Katherine Shinault shares her life as a Christian single mom - dating, loving life, and taking care of her kiddos. A personal development enthusiast, she enjoys helping moms find themselves while keeping it real - through the good, the bad, the beautiful, and the ugly. She offers her tips and true stories about parenting and relationships from the lens of a single working mom.

SOLO dot Mom is where Katherine Shinault shares her life as a Christian single mom - dating, loving life, and taking care of her kiddos. A personal development enthusiast, she enjoys helping moms find themselves while keeping it real - through the good, the bad, the beautiful, and the ugly. She offers her tips and true stories about parenting and relationships from the lens of a single working mom.
79. Mommy of a Monster (I Mean Toddler) and Infant Twins: Written by Natalie, a stay-at-home mom of three under three, an honest blog about trying to keep my sanity in the chaos of my everyday life. No subject off limits, no BS allowed. If you're looking for June Cleaver, you won't find her here!
Miel et Lait nourishes & soothes the body, mind and soul through personal reflection, food writing, product reviews and giveaways.

The Adventures of Goober Grape and Monkey Man: A small blog following our (not so small family). Living life as a full time working Mom to two crazy kids, and losing a ton of weight in the process (90 pounds so far)!

HSUper Parents: Welcome! I am a stay at home mom-to-be. My husband and I live in sunny southern California and we are expecting our 1st child! We are very excited and at the same time very nervous. I enjoy researching and shopping for family-friendly and other products. My blog contains randomness, but mainly about fantastic products that I have come across. PR-friendly blogger.

The Adventures of Goober Grape and Monkey Man: A small blog following our (not so small family). Living life as a full time working Mom to two crazy kids, and losing a ton of weight in the process (90 pounds so far)!

HSUper Parents: Welcome! I am a stay at home mom-to-be. My husband and I live in sunny southern California and we are expecting our 1st child! We are very excited and at the same time very nervous. I enjoy researching and shopping for family-friendly and other products. My blog contains randomness, but mainly about fantastic products that I have come across. PR-friendly blogger.
84. Pixeltrashamania is an all-around crafty, sewing, quilting, painting, cardmaking and decorating blog. I love nothing more than a good thrift store find which I can fix-up and re-use! I have done some tutorials including, "How to Sew a Headband", "How to Make Glitterpops" and "How to Make Chalkboard Labels" to name a few! So, if you are into crafting, stop by!
85. Bowl of Oranges: I’m Lua, a twenty something aspiring writer from Istanbul, soon on my way to the University of Kent to study Creative Writing! My blog is about my journey on becoming a published writer and everything I come across while I follow my dream, as well as books, movies, stories and my two crazy dogs- Chuck & Apple

Ramblin' Roads: I am a cherished wife, blessed mother of two, and an experienced home educator. I love to read, write, and occupy the passenger seat on road trips. Life is an adventure! Come ride along!
88. Because or Why Not: Best described as cheerfully pessimistic, Kris will show you around her past and ponderings. A small town girl with a big outlook, she is often artistic and occasionally funny. A personal blog without the boring details.
89. Alpha Lover: I am a twenty something college student in Kentucky, studying secondary education. I work as an intern currently, and spend my free time with family and friends, and enjoy girls nights with my sorority sisters. I recently took up scrapbooking and blogging, and I am excited to see where they take me!
90. RunningonMTT: Hi I'm Wendy, from Ohio I'm a SAHM to my 3 kiddos McKenna, Tristan, & Tiernan - they keep me going, keep my energized and keep me running..hence my blog title RunningonMTT. My blog is a mostly about our life, the kids, and our adventures. I try to add some comedy relief to it because heck, that's my life! Ironically, I took up running earlier this year so my blog name has an alternate meaning now!!! Besides Running, I feel my kiddos are my biggest accomplishment because all I ever wanted to be when I grew up was be a MOM! I've been married to hubby for 13 yrs but we've been together 21! He is my best friend and I feel I'm the luckiest girl around! I hope you'll stop in to see the highlights in our lives!
91. "GoodDayRegularPeople" is a play on our 3 boys' names, and mine: we sound more like an empire than anything. Our son's names are Alexander, Maximux, and Augustus. My name is Alexandra. Really.
85. Bowl of Oranges: I’m Lua, a twenty something aspiring writer from Istanbul, soon on my way to the University of Kent to study Creative Writing! My blog is about my journey on becoming a published writer and everything I come across while I follow my dream, as well as books, movies, stories and my two crazy dogs- Chuck & Apple

Being Tazim: per·so·na - The role that one assumes or displays in public or society; different in each social situation or aspect of life. This blog features many aspects of my being: me and my personas. Some of these include being a decorator, being an artist, being cultured, being Canadian..
88. Because or Why Not: Best described as cheerfully pessimistic, Kris will show you around her past and ponderings. A small town girl with a big outlook, she is often artistic and occasionally funny. A personal blog without the boring details.
89. Alpha Lover: I am a twenty something college student in Kentucky, studying secondary education. I work as an intern currently, and spend my free time with family and friends, and enjoy girls nights with my sorority sisters. I recently took up scrapbooking and blogging, and I am excited to see where they take me!
90. RunningonMTT: Hi I'm Wendy, from Ohio I'm a SAHM to my 3 kiddos McKenna, Tristan, & Tiernan - they keep me going, keep my energized and keep me running..hence my blog title RunningonMTT. My blog is a mostly about our life, the kids, and our adventures. I try to add some comedy relief to it because heck, that's my life! Ironically, I took up running earlier this year so my blog name has an alternate meaning now!!! Besides Running, I feel my kiddos are my biggest accomplishment because all I ever wanted to be when I grew up was be a MOM! I've been married to hubby for 13 yrs but we've been together 21! He is my best friend and I feel I'm the luckiest girl around! I hope you'll stop in to see the highlights in our lives!
91. "GoodDayRegularPeople" is a play on our 3 boys' names, and mine: we sound more like an empire than anything. Our son's names are Alexander, Maximux, and Augustus. My name is Alexandra. Really.
I blog about the funny life of raising 3 boys, homeschooling, and living in this country as a first generation American from South America. A lot of things still dont' make much sense to me! I work as a caterer in the evening, so I can be home during the day. Catering allows me many,many stories! I'd say I'm a homor blog, with moments of poignancy at how quickly my life as a mother is passing, my boys are growing so very fast.
92. Jessie Lynn Smith: My name is Jessie and I am a 24 year old girl just trying to live life to the fullest one day at a time. I got married to the love of my life on May 5, 2007. We haven't had children yet, but we have two awesome fur-babies: Sam, our pup, and Lexi, our ornery little cat. God and family are the two biggest things in my life and I hold onto them dearly. One thing is for sure: I love who I love. Everything else in between is pretty much here - LOL - so Welcome to my world :)
93. MamaOnDaGo: I'm a full-time mama to two wonderful children (ages 3 &1). I'm also a full-time wife to a wonderful husband and a full-time professional. I reside in Southern California. Life is busy and chaotic. Someone suggested a start a blog since I was full of "suggestions". It is still to be determined if it was a compliment or not. Whether or not it was, I started a blog about my own personal experiences balancing life with the family and work without losing myself.
95. The Flying Fork: My blog has changed a lot from its inception when I was a freewheeling single girl and high school English teacher with a burning desire to save the world. Now I’m married with a baby and a quiet little job in healthcare engineering. Come visit me to read about my (very honest, very humbling) experiences with my baby, Johnny, my non-romance with the love of my life, Mr. Meat and Potatoes, recipes, shopping tips, and dirty little secrets.
96. Jenna's Jargon: I'm a 25 year old married Arkansan and I blog about my life on the Circle T Ranch. My husband is a Rodeo Cowboy and makes his living driving around the south trying to win money at steer wrestling. I have two Chocolate Children (labs) two chickens, and lots of cows and horses. We live on the banks of the Saline River and life is fun and somewhat boring. I do a little Photography on the side and love to blog about it. I also have celiac disease and am Gluten Free For Life!!! I love to meet new people and blogging is my crack. Come on over and say Hi and I promise You won't be dissappointed...ok maybe you'll be a little dissapointed but just don't tell me about it!
97. A Spicy Boy, a Cat, and my Fat Ass: A diary of the author's every day thoughts on the struggle to lose weight, problems with PCOS, anxiety disorder, and depression. Included is poetry, video's, recipes, and any information regarding health problems.
Carpenter's Dust: I am a carpenter's wife. I am THE Carpenter's child. As a wife, I'm supportive, uplifting, and try not to complain that I'm living in the middle of a construction site. As THE Carpenter's child, I am submissive, humble, and in awe of the Savior. And I try not to complain that I'm in the middle of His Construction. Each year, we grow and change, just like any construction site. Eventually, we get to our goal of a finished product. In the meantime, please pardon my dust. I am under construction. And while you're at it, pardon my sarcasm, skepticism, and beligerant humor while I wait for the finished product. :)
93. MamaOnDaGo: I'm a full-time mama to two wonderful children (ages 3 &1). I'm also a full-time wife to a wonderful husband and a full-time professional. I reside in Southern California. Life is busy and chaotic. Someone suggested a start a blog since I was full of "suggestions". It is still to be determined if it was a compliment or not. Whether or not it was, I started a blog about my own personal experiences balancing life with the family and work without losing myself.
94. Lipglossd Mom: Just a mom from New Jersey desperately attempting to fit 40 hours into 24 daily and not lose her mind! Filled with loving ramblings about my family, work, and the million other things I do and think about each day. I also do the occasional review and giveaways for fun so grab a cup of coffee and come hang out with me for a bit!
95. The Flying Fork: My blog has changed a lot from its inception when I was a freewheeling single girl and high school English teacher with a burning desire to save the world. Now I’m married with a baby and a quiet little job in healthcare engineering. Come visit me to read about my (very honest, very humbling) experiences with my baby, Johnny, my non-romance with the love of my life, Mr. Meat and Potatoes, recipes, shopping tips, and dirty little secrets.
96. Jenna's Jargon: I'm a 25 year old married Arkansan and I blog about my life on the Circle T Ranch. My husband is a Rodeo Cowboy and makes his living driving around the south trying to win money at steer wrestling. I have two Chocolate Children (labs) two chickens, and lots of cows and horses. We live on the banks of the Saline River and life is fun and somewhat boring. I do a little Photography on the side and love to blog about it. I also have celiac disease and am Gluten Free For Life!!! I love to meet new people and blogging is my crack. Come on over and say Hi and I promise You won't be dissappointed...ok maybe you'll be a little dissapointed but just don't tell me about it!
97. A Spicy Boy, a Cat, and my Fat Ass: A diary of the author's every day thoughts on the struggle to lose weight, problems with PCOS, anxiety disorder, and depression. Included is poetry, video's, recipes, and any information regarding health problems.

Carpenter's Dust: I am a carpenter's wife. I am THE Carpenter's child. As a wife, I'm supportive, uplifting, and try not to complain that I'm living in the middle of a construction site. As THE Carpenter's child, I am submissive, humble, and in awe of the Savior. And I try not to complain that I'm in the middle of His Construction. Each year, we grow and change, just like any construction site. Eventually, we get to our goal of a finished product. In the meantime, please pardon my dust. I am under construction. And while you're at it, pardon my sarcasm, skepticism, and beligerant humor while I wait for the finished product. :)